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It took a long time for Everleigh to come to terms with the fact that likely everyone around her was right and she was wrong. That she had fallen for Maverick and that she was the last person to see it. Well. Second to last. Maverick was the last. Late to the party as he usually was. (Everleigh didn't blame him for that one.) (They were past that.) What was hard was telling people they were right. Roman and Florence knew, that was nice. Her parents, on the other hand, were none the wiser spare a few extra trips to the loo to text Maverick back without Troy reading over her shoulder. Nosey.

What she hadn't expected to feel difficult: telling Juno. The friend she'd gone through school with who she trusted with the worst parts of her. Going to lunch to catch up shouldn't have been scary, besides the eating part. Even Juno would take it easy on her about the eating part too.

Everleigh walked into Greggs, almost immediately buried in a hug.

"Oh my God, I've missed you, gorgeous."

"Hiya!" Everleigh even managed a small hug before Juno pulled away. Go her.

"I have so much to tell you."

"Did you grab a coffee?"

Juno nodded. "Got you your raspberry lemonade as well. I didn't know what you wanted to eat, though."

"I'm okay without—"

Everleigh could've never seen the expression that Juno gave her again and it would've been too soon. It was the same look Maverick gave her when he walked out of her flat; the same knit eyebrows and soft eyes and pursed lips. A look that pitied her but didn't know the place to speak up.

Everleigh cleared her throat. "Chocolate croissants on me?"


It didn't take long for Everleigh to order the two pastries and join Juno back at the table, sliding a plate toward her friend.

"Do you want to start?" Everleigh asked as she sat down, cracking open her sparkling lemonade. There wasn't much Everleigh loved in the world, but Greggs raspberry sparkling lemonade was one of them.

Juno brushed a finger under her eye, pointedly showing Everleigh her left hand. A ring stared back at her.

"Oh my God." Everleigh took Juno's hand and looked at the ring. "Fucking finally."

"Right?" Juno laughed.

"When did this happen?" Everleigh asked. (Tried to ignore the sinking feeling in her stomach that if her mother ever found out about Juno's engagement and her relationship with Maverick, there would be nothing to stop the awkward.) (Dawn was an expert.)

"Last month. I got a connector from one of your flights I covered to go to Singapore. They had flowers down the path when I got home, music playing. Our song. I don't think the question was even asked before I said yes... It was nice being home again, Leigh." Juno sighed. Taking a long sip from her iced London Fog. "I almost wanted to stay."

"I get that." Everleigh smiled. "Picked a date yet?"

Juno shook her head. "We're waiting until work is less busy."

Everleigh nodded. Lowered her eyes. Tried not to guilt trip herself for making her coworkers double up on flights.

"For both of us." Juno moved her hand so she could hold Everleigh's, gave it a gentle squeeze. "Are you still going to be working soon?"

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