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"Hiya, Navster."

"Dear God, if you don't want to be called Auntie Ev, you can't call her Navster." Florence's phone was propped up on something so she could hold her daughter while she spoke to Everleigh.

"Sure I can."

"Hypocrite." Florence smiled at Everleigh through the phone. A genuine smile. Almost made Everleigh glad she'd called. Then again, she did kind of owe it to her after being in the air while Florence was giving birth.

"I still can't believe you have a—"

"Do not say crotch goblin, Everleigh, I swear to God." Florence waved a finger at her accusingly.

Everleigh wrinkled her nose. "Got the chiding down, mum, Christ almighty."

"Were you seriously going to call your niece a crotch—" Roman started, his voice clear despite him not being on camera.

"She lacks the ability to say baby," Florence said, looking up at Roman as she spoke. "Even calls herself one."

"Seriously?" Roman asked.

"You can't tell me crotch goblin isn't more fun to say than kid," Everleigh said. "And it's true."

"Don't call Navster a goblin."

"Why does he get to say Navster?"

"'Cause he partially made her."

Everleigh rolled her eyes. "But I'm her aunt—"

"Hence the very clever he made her."

"It was just a sperm, you did more work."

"Which probably means you should listen to me about what to call her."

"I'll listen to her about what to call her," Everleigh said matter-of-factly.

"Fine. It's Navi until she says otherwise."

"What if she tells me Navster—"

"Everleigh, sweet Jesus."

Everleigh fought a small laugh and took a sip of water. "You're so easy."

"Leigh," Roman said, "please don't piss off my fiancée."

The sip was subsequently spat out. Everleigh wiped her mouth with the bottom of her shirt. "Fiancée?"

"Roman!" Florence gaped at him.

"You didn't tell her?"

"I didn't tell anyone yet."

"Oh." Everleigh laughed. Cackled. Threw her head back and let the supervillain inside of her take over with the best maniacal guffaw they could manage. "Mum's going to kill you, Flo."

"God, I know." Florence slapped her hand on her face as Navi reached up and poked her in the jaw. "Don't tell her."

"I don't talk to her enough to snitch."


"Probably not."

"Leigh," Roman said.

"Yes, dad?"

"Do not," Florence chided.

Everleigh snorted out a laugh.

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