Ch9-The big game

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This is everybody's favorite game of the year other then homecoming. We all love it because we were up against the Rosen high school sharks, Brown High school and Rosen High school hate each other. People carry signs that say:
" Rosen Sharks vs Brown Tigers"
And almost every year since freshman year there has been a huge fight between schools. It's the beginning of the school day so we all have the three first classes of the day then lunch then we have a huge pep rally. My first class is history and Dylan is in it with me and he always annoys me, but Lilly is in it too so that means I won't be alone with Dylan and a bunch of girls who stare at him. I walk in and sit down next to Lilly and start talking about the game, "so are you excited for your first game against Rosen?" I ask her and she nods and then before I could say anything else she looks past me and points. I turn around and see Dylan sitting on the other side of me, "what, you never sit here go away" I say to him and he shakes his head. "Nope I'll sit here if I want cause just remember that I'll be winning for the school tonight and don't worry you can come to the party after." I nod my head "ok just remember what happened with Jessie" I say "oh yeah I never thought you could do anything like that" I glare at him and try to move away from him when the teacher walked in and said "Miss Anderson please stay in your own seat" I sat back down and put my head on my desk. At the end of class when the bell rang I ran out and to my locker when Dylan came by "sorry babe" he said I looked at him and then walked away and half way down the hallway and yelled back "not your babe" and walked into my English class. After that ended I only had one more class which was art thank goodness, I walked in and the teacher said "okay since we have the game after school we are going to make signs". I made a sign that had the school colors and said "go tigers" on it, simple and to the point and I gave it to the teacher as the bell rang.

I was walking to lunch when Dylan stopped me "what?" I asked him and he started at me "come with me" he said and dragged me to our history class. "Why are we here?" I asked him, nobody was in here not even the teacher what's going on? He pushed me again the wall and kissed me, I didn't push away because I felt like it would give him the luck we both need for the game. I smile through the kiss and laugh a little "what" he says and I don't say anything but I pull him closer and say "don't stop yet" now he laughs and we continue.

At the pep rally it was really loud, people were yelling and cheering our colors. "first let's welcome our cheerleaders" the lady says and we walk out and wave our hands and make two lines on each side "let's hear it for our head cheerleader Ella Anderson" she says and I walk in between the two lines and wave then go back to my spot "now let's hear you yell for our football team" the woman yells and the football team comes in and everyone yells "let's here it for your captain Dylan Johnson" she says and all the girls yell and I smile a little at how I just kissed the captain of the football team. And it was over really quick cause after that they just kept chanting ' Tigers beat Sharks'

At the game obviously the cheerleaders were cheering on the side of the field when Dylan came out and said "follow me" and he brought me to the back of the bleachers where nobody could see us "good luck kiss?" he asked and before he could lean in I pulled him close and kissed him. "Now let's here it for your football team the Tigers" Dylan broke the kiss "I gotta go" he said and I smiled "go" I said and he ran onto the field. I went back with my team to cheer and watch the game. The game is halfway done and we were winning 12-6, it was good until number 13 from the other team tackled Dylan. He was on the ground and didn't get up but the game was still going on, I went up to the referee and said "look at number 22 from our team" he looked and saw Dylan he blew the whistle and everyone got off the field. "Don't go over there" The coach said to me and now I'm scared he still isn't moving and nobody is doing anything about it. "No" I said and dropped my pom poms and ran onto the field, I flipped him over and put my head to his chest and heard his heart still beating. Thank goodness. I shook his arms a little bit and then James came onto the field to try and help "go call an ambulance" I said to him and he ran over to his bag and got his phone "Dylan" I said softly and then I heard sirens and I saw lights. They put him on a stretcher and into the ambulance "who's gonna come with him" the paramedic asked "I will" I said and jumped in.

At the hospital I explained what happened and then they told me to wait in the waiting room for the doctor to come out. The doctor came out "so what's going on is he okay?" I ask he nods "yes he just passed out from being hit so hard, would you like to see him?" he asked I nodded and he brought me to his room. "Hey" Dylan said to me and took my hand in his. I smiled and started to cry a little "thank you" he said and I leaned in and kissed him.

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