Ch1-gym class

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It is Thursday and I can't be any more mad then I am right now! 6th period every Thursday I had gym with him. I hate him every since 2nd grade he would take my spotlight and just make it all about him. Dylan Johnson A+ in jerkyness. When I got there I went into the locker room and saw my best friend ever Clara,we have been friends since we were born. Literally we were born in the same hospital except she is one day older than me. Anyway I got into the locker room and she said to me "hey you know we have practice 7th period". "won't Mrs.Smith be mad that we are missing her math class for cheer" she shrugged her shoulders and I walked to my locker to get changed. I walk out and see him I wanted to go back to the locker room with Clara and just play on my phone and ignore him,but I knew I couldn't do that. I turned to Clara and said "Do I have to?" she looked at me and gave me a glare and pushed my towards him and whispered "walk past him and don't say anything" did she seriously just tell me to do a walk by...ok why not. I walk by him and his dumb best friend James who was also on the football team with him. "Look who decided to come by" I heard James whisper to Dylan. I rolled my eyes and walked back to Clara. "James is a stupid person who is a suck up to Dylan!" I said to her quietly then we heard the whistle and lined up in 2 lines. A girls line and a boys line "today we will be playing 'carry that' "I heard the coach say. 'carry that' is a game that our coach made up and all you do is have a partner at the other side of the gym and you have to take stuff from the other teams when they aren't looking and carry it to your partner and they keep it safe and whoever has the most stuff wins. Dylan gives me a glare like him like he was gonna win. But at the end of class I won.

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