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It's been 3 hours and the only person who is here with him is me, I called Mason
"Where are you"
"At the school"
"Get you ass over here with James now"
"James doesn't wanna"
"He thinks it's his fault"
"Tell him it's not and I'll prove it"
"Fine, we're coming"
I walked back into the room with Dylan "hey" I said to him softly he held my hand tightly "James and Mason are coming" I said to him he nodded and he said something that means a lot to me "thank you, for everything. For being there for me on the field, for not backing out of prom committee with me and most of all" he stopped, I looked at him nodding my head telling him to go on "most of all kissing me, a lot of guys like you and you kissed me and the best thing is you didn't kiss anyone else after, I know that I can trust you" I smiled a little when I started to lean in and he sat up at little bit. His face was only a few centimeters from mine we heard "hey what's up" I jumped in a chair and he laid back down "hi guys" he said to them as Mason went on and on about the rest of the game and James sat in a chair in the corner of the room with his arms crossed over his chest. I walked over grabbed his hand and pulled him in the hallway
"It's my fault he got hurt"
"It's not, why are you saying that"
"Cause he could have thrown the ball to me and I could of gotten tackled"
"The only thing that matters is that he's okay now"
He smiled and hugged me tight, then Mason walked out "we're gonna go he wants to be alone...with Ella" Mason made "aww" noise and James made kissing sounds. I slapped them on the arm lightly and walked in, I sat next to him and patted the seat next to him in bed. I felt a little awkward, "I'm gonna go check the waiting room, see if anyone is here to see you" he smiled and I walked out.

I went in the waiting room to see someone I didn't wanna see...the captain of the Sharks. "Where are you here, you already hurt him so go" I said to him, his name was Ron from what I saw on his jacket. "I would talk to me a whole lot nicer if I were you" I had a confused look on my face "you see I know that you that you and Dylan hate each other" he soda to me with a smirk "we're over that" I said to him but the smirk stayed on "but your friends don't know that and neither to his" I could see what he was getting at but not really "your point" I asked "my full point is that I saw you and him kissing under the bleachers before the game and I know that your friends don't know that so I think I should have a little of your motivation to make things fair" he finished. Wait he wants me to kiss him.No. "Now I know you like him so that's another secret you should fear of being let out" the next words that came out of my mouth were not expected "I love Dylan Johnson" I stopped processing what I just said. He clapped his hands and said "even better, ok next Friday we go up against your school again. Kiss we any time during the week and nobody has to know that you "love" him" he said putting air quotations around the word love. I can't agree to this Dylan just so as that I'm different,that I'm not like any other girls who were sluts he said I'm trustworthy I can't break that. He stared at me realizing that I might not do it then his next words hit me like a brick "and I would also just have to hurt him agai-" I cut him of "fine I'll do it, no telling what I said and no hurting him" he nodded and shook my hand. He left and I went back to Dylan.

"Who was out there" he asked I shook my head meaning 'nobody' and he nodded then looked at me and patted the bed next to him again. This time I went laid down next to him and he held my hand, he leaned in and we kissed with a lot of passion. He stopped and took something out of his bag, it was a little gift wrapped box. He handed it to me and said "When you were gone I went to the gift shop", I opened the box and it was a beautiful necklace that read: Ella, I flipped it over and it said: from Dylan.
I smiled and he put it on my neck and I turned to him and kissed him and after a while it was 1:35 am when the doctor said we could go. Dylan drove me home and kissed me and I knew that on Friday I would kiss Ron but for the rest of the week I would have to kiss Dylan a lot!

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