Ch16-This cant be happening

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The rest of the weekend went by quickly, but today was Monday and I had school then practice. I heard the sound of my alarm going off and I quickly turned it off and got out of bed, I grabbed my towel and went to the bathroom. As the water was warming up I looked at myself in the mirror and thought 'what's going on? A few months ago I hated Dylan and didn't even want to be around him in class, now I hate being away from him for so long,(this made her sound really clingy but just go with it) I jumped in the shower and did everything and quickly got out because I promised my friends I'd meet the for breakfast before school. I went into my room to get dressed and see the weather for today. I grabbed a black loose tank top with some light blue jeans and my brown sandals. After I got dressed I blow dried my hair and pulled it back with a clip, then I put on some simple makeup. Then I ran down stairs to say goodbye to Anthony, who was going back to college today, "see ya this summer brat" he said hugging me "see ya then moron" I said smiling. "Be good, we'll be with Anthony and we're coming back on Thursday night" my dad said to me, I nodded my head and hugged my mom and dad. They got into separate cars and started following each other, I went back inside to grab my backpack, my phone and my gym bag for practice after school. I was walking to the door when I got a text saying:
Almost there, wait outside.
It was from Carlos, I typed back "ok" then opened the door and walked outside. I sat on the front porch and listened to some music and soon enough I saw Carlos pulling up in Clara's car with Clara in the passenger seat and Lilly in the back with Nicky. I squeezed in the back with them, "why are we taking Clara's car?" I asked and Carlos answered "because I won't be at practice for football today so Clara needs her car to drive you guys home" I nodded and then Clara turned on the radio. We listened to about 3 songs before arriving at Starbucks. I got the usual Caramell mocha with a blueberry muffin and the rest just got coffee and vanilla scones. After we were finished we jumped back in the car and went to school, when we got there everyone was staring at us as soon as we walked out of the car. And as soon as I walked into the school Dylan came out of nowhere and dragged me to the gym, "what are you doing?!" I yelled taking my arm away from him. He shoved a piece of paper in my face and said "look at this!" It was a picture of us kissing at the party, I looked at the bottom of the page , it said:
We were all fooled! As we thought for the longest time that Ella and Dylan have hated each other they really haven't, they really don't each other as you could see from the picture they have gotten quite friendly in the past few months, make sure to tease them all you want!
"Jessie!?" I asked and he stared at me, "and Ron". I looked around and then back at the poster, I didn't know what to do. I heard the bell ring then I finally went to class. When I got there, I sat next to Lilly and Clara. They looked at me and rolled their eyes. I acted like nothing was wrong, so I say "hey guys" and I got the same stares. " you didn't tell us?! How could you lie to us like that?!" Clara said. Then I looked at Lilly, who was now crying slightly. " you told me not to have a crush on Dylan cause he was bad! Now you're dating him? You were right about all the sluty hook ups... I just never thought you'd be one of them". When Lilly said this, my heart broke.

I finally found Jessie in the hall passing out more posters, "you bitchy little slut!" I yelled before running over to her and slamming her against the lockers. "Hey! Hey! Stop it now! Ella!" Dylan was screaming down the hallway. He caught up to me and pulled me off of her, he walked me to the nurse then watched as the nurse cleaned up the blood off my cheek, from where Jessie scratched me. " stop these fights Ella. They aren't good for you, you're better then that." The nurse said to me, Dylan nodded his head in the corner. She left the room and it was just me and Dylan.
" you don't have to fight Jessie"
"Yes I do! She took our biggest secret and told everyone!"
"So let's face it and tell everyone ourselves"

He was smart, so when the bell rang it was time for lunch. We ran to the cafeteria, and it was silent! Dylan stood on a table in the middle of the room and then helped me up. "This is my girlfriend, and I know that you're all probably mad that we didn't tell you sooner. But we kept it a secret cause that was our decision and that's the choice we made." Dylan said to everyone and I stared up at him, he looked down at me then smirked. "And if you guys don't believe the picture.... Then here's the real thing" he said and then kissed me in front of everyone. Everyone was clapping and to be honest, that was the best part of the whole year.

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