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"The Patronus Charm?!? You're joking!!" Y/n exclaimed.

"Er- no, not joking" Harry responded.

Y/n's face lit up with excitement and she pumped her fist in the air.

"Alright so, you need to think of a happy memory, the happiest possible one you can think of." Harry explained.

Everyone then went to practice.

"What the fuck am I supposed to think of? Suddenly I have no happy memories... What're you thinking of?" Y/n asked Zhara.


"You're thinking of books aren't you"

"Shut up its working"

"I could think of... what am I supposed to think of? This shouldn't be so stressful" Y/n groaned.

"You could think of... ur mom" Zhara smirked.

"I can't believe I missed that!" Y/n gasped.

"Expecto Patronum!" Zhara exclaimed and a wisp of smoke came out of her wand.

"Fuck you"

Y/n took a deep breath, thought of yesterday's dinner and then said, as clearly as she could, "Expecto Patronum"

And then, just like Zhara had before, a wisp flew out of her wand.

"Haha suck that" she grinned.

Though, when she looked around the room, many people had progressed much further than her, and some were even producing full patronuses already.


"You sat there for fifteen minutes trying to think of something" Zhara said from beside her, watching her buzzard fly around the room.

"Ok I got this... something happy, something happy..." then it hit her.

Something that made her completely happy, but also sad at the same time.


Her brother who she 'hated' but loved with all her heart.

That was her memory.

She closed her eyes and imagined her favourite moments with her brother (while he was still alive, ya know) and said, "Expecto Patronum!"

"Y/n you did it!"

"I did?!"

"Yeah look!"

Y/n opened her eyes in excitement but,


"Y/n" Zhara sighed.


"It's just your patronus, it's only a coincidence that your patronus takes the form of a... raccoon" Zhara barely managed to get out without laughing at how Y/n was trying to cower from her patronus.

The Boy Who Simped (h.j.p.x reader social media au)Where stories live. Discover now