6 | The Return of Team Rocket! The Revival of Y/N's Kalos Team?!

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Mind you, our journey to this Pokecenter here was not safe. Let's just have a run down on the things that occurred, shall we?

Clemont built a bot in which should search for Squishy, but it came back just broken. We also ran into a group of wild Pokémon, Toxicroak's actually. Clemont's Bunnelbly protected them against us but got seriously hurt trying to protect Bonnie as we barely hung onto a cliff.

And now, here we are, in a Pokecenter. Of course, when I found out I had revives, I couldn't revive them on the spot. They would raise suspicion on why I didn't do it earlier against Team Flare in the cave. Plus, I didn't even realize I had them until I checked in my bad further that night we spent outside.

So, what am I doing right now? Sitting inside the center, with my face buried in my hands. Anticipation was killing me. Can Pokémon even die if not treated in time? I remember seeing a Game Theory video back on it, but surely that's not the case.

While the crew noticed I had talked in practically ages, Clemont comes up to me. Seeing his shoes, I look up at him.

Clemont: "I...know how you feel. It's not a pleasant sight in seeing your Pokémon getting injured and hurt, trust me, I know." He says, but I couldn't help but notice that Clemont was trying to relate to me on some level.

My Shiny Lucario, who was still out, (which I secretly treated with a Max Restore) seemed more energetic, but quiet just like me. I'm still trying to grasp the concept of realizing this guy was still a bunch of pixels.

Y/N: "Well, it's not everyday you get ambushed, ya know? I'm just hoping the best for them, and hope that I never put them in the same situation ever again." I admit, and then suddenly, Nurse Joy appears out of nowhere.

This causes me and the crew to run up to her, but with the face she was making, I could tell it wasn't good.

Nurse Joy: "I'm sorry for the incident, but I've ran out in on a key medicinal flower. I was going to go get some earlier, I am so sorry...." She says, I felt let down, but then again, I have to realize I am in the world of Pokémon, anything that happens in my world, surely happens here.

She's a human just like me, with struggles just like me, and with a soul just like me.

Ash pats my back to reassure me but this only makes me more patient.

Y/N: "Okay...got it. How long will it take? If it helps, I can come along with you and gather some."

Nurse Joy: "Thank you...for understanding. But gather the resources won't take long before I come back and start treating on them." She says, also being called off by another person before the group disperses.

Blend in. Remember, blend in. What would a trainer do in this situation? Not that I am much really, I was just given a really talented team and blazed past the competition.

That's when I noticed my Shiny Lucario, looking at me, and trying to replicate the same atmosphere the Pokecenter was in. Does he...does he look up to me? I often saw in the shows that some Pokemon bond with their trainer, like how Ash does with Pikachu. Could the same affect be done here...?

Could my Lucario be my right hand-man?

After all, I still have a team to take care and still look after for. Even back when I was playing the video game, I never deemed Lucario as the "sole leader", which that position mainly belonged to my Charizard.

Clemont: "Hm...? Where's Bonnie?" He asks, looking around. That's when I noticed too, that she was gone. Her little Pokémon, which I forgot the name of, never made a sound.

Blazing Legend (Pokémon XYZ x Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now