Is it the end?

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Hey guys here I'm how you all doin'??

Should we start?? Yess we will!!

Shreya's pov

After that night we started coming closer not only physically but emotionally too he used to talk to me and sometime text me asking how am I doing whenever I'm not around, I have caught him staring at me few times and I feel very comfortable under his stare he stares me like I'm the most beautiful girl in this world.

He had became more naughty then before, he never let go a chance of touching me. My love for him is growing everyday, does he love me too? I don't know all I know is I love him and he is the only happiness of my life he'd given me what I always wanted.

Love. Care. Adventure. Respect. Guidance. Understanding. Everything. And when you get all these things from a person love is the last thing you should care about.

I and aanya were sitting in class when our senior Rohit came toward us.

"Hey shreya, hey aanya." He said nervously

"Hey!" We replied

"As you know today is rose day, Shreya I wanted to give you this" he forwarded a red rose toward me

"Me?!! Why me?!" I asked

I toward aanaya wo was wynking toward me and signaling me to accept the rose

"Look shreya I know it's weird but I have been noticing you from a very long time, you're intelligent and sweet and beautiful, I like you shreya I like you alot" rohit said

"Oohhoooo" aanya said

"Shut up!" I looked at her and scolded then turned toward rohit

"Look rohit you're a nice guy, but I don't like you I don't want relationship please understand you're handsome find someone else"

"Shreya please don't say that I like you very much"

"Please try to understand rohit I don't like you"

He made a sad face but then looked toward me asked

"Well atleast you can accept my rose? For friendships shake just as friends?"

"Rohit I-"

"ohh common she will accept it common shreya accept the rose" aanya scolded me with eyes

When I didn't accepted she took the rose from his hand and put it in my bag

"Don't worry rohit I'm in your team your work will be done" aanya told him with a mischievous smile

"Didn't you changed the team very fastly"

"Ohh common shreya he's a nice guy give him a chance"

I rolled eyes at her and we both giggled.

After school we were waiting for daya to pick up us aanya was very happy about the rose I got, like it's not me it's her I know she wants me to be happy and rohit is nice, but I love only daya, her father.

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