The truth

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After shreya got discharge from hospital I tried to avoid her, that's best for both of us, after he did all of that I realized she's just a child and she can do anything in mood swings

It's her time for growth and glowing and I can not snatch very important time of her life

Aanya and shreya both will go to college soon I am very proud of them, her 18th birthday is coming and no one can ever be more excited then me, tho I don't want to get into relationship for our best but I just can't stop caring for I know her family would do best for her but I think I and aanya should plan something obviously one day of happiness wouldn't hurt anyone

As much as I miss having her in my arms I'm learning to gain more self control for good

I miss her and I can't help it


I head Aanya's voice

"yeah my princess?" I want to talk to her about Shreya's birthday but I want to start the topic

"I need some money for my assignment"

"Oh yes, how much?"


I gave her money then asked

"How's everything at school?"

"Everything's good dad we're are excited for our farewell"

"Ohh good good you should be .. and-- how's shreya? I means is she fine now?"

"Yes dad she's completely fine"

"Good you take care of both of you, right?"


She turn to go without saying anything about her birthday


"Yes dad?" She turned toward me

"You're turning 18 very soon"

"Yesss next month" she said happily

"What about shreya, when is her birthday" ohh daya control you excitement

"It's only after 15 days dad how can you forget"

"Ohh yess yess sorry I forgot" "so you planned anything for her?"

"Um not yet but will plan soon"

"Good, ask me out if you need help"

"Sure dad" she left room smiling

Should I text shreya?should I wish her?

Calm down daya you have 15 days

I started working again, 14 days passed her birthday will start today at 12 am aanya wants me to take her Shreya's home to surprise her, she hasn't told anyone I don't think It's a good idea but I want both of them to be happy right now nothing else


Shreya's home

I was sitting in bed with my parent's photo frame in my hand when the door brust open

"Shreya get up fast" my aunt said

"What did I do now?"

"You're going to turn 18 in some minutes"


She dragged me into living room without replying

"Sign these papers"

I look toward papers qnd started reading them it says I'm giving all my property to their daughter

"Don't waste time in reading them sigh them"

"I will never do that" i said angrily I don't care about money but it's all my father's hardwork they can't get benifit from that

"You definitely will" my uncle said angrily

"Never" I shouted back

My aunt grip my neck and pin me on wall

"Sign the papers shreya before we kill you"

"She won't sign the papers easily why don't you both beat the shit out of her" their daughter said when my uncle smiled and took out his belt and hit me with it

I tried to run when my autn held my arm and push me on the toward the main door i fell on floor when my uncle again hit me with belt but before he could hurt me again we heard doorbell

"Who the hell came at this time"

I hurriedly got up and opened the door, that was the only ways to save me, they tried to stop me but I was fast enough to rach there

As I opened the door I saw daya and aanya, they both stared at me then looked toward my uncle who has belt in his hand

"What did they do to you?" He asked with rage in his eyes

I couldn't control and started crying aanya came toward me and hugged me tightly

"She tried to run away and she tried to hurt our daughter" my uncle said throwing belt from his hand daya went toward him and puch him hard he fell on floor

"Inspector daya you cannot do this to my husband"

"If I loose my temper I'll forget you're a lady so you better keep quiet"

He started beating my uncle he punch him in face then stomach then he fell on floor, he gripped is collar pick him up pinned him on wall was aggressivly punching him

"How dare you lay hand on her"

"How dare you touch her"

"I'll kill you"

My aunt tried to hide property documents when aanya ran and snatched from her, when she tried to stach them back aanya bit on her hand until she started screaming

"I'm Inspector daya's daughter you dumbo step back"

She step back

Aanya called police they took them with their daughter for investigation

I filed report against them

"Are you okay?"

I nodded

"That day when you got admitted did they do anything to you?"

I told them everything I saw regret on daya's face and aanya hugged me

"We're taking you home shreya you'll live with us from now"

I stared at him

"Yes shreya I promise I'll take care of you"

Daya said

"Yeaayyyyy we'll live together I can never be more happy" aanya danced in excitement we exchanged look and smiled


Passionate_Dareya you always give toughest but most interesting punishments girlll!!♡

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