The Pain

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Note:- Suicidal Thoughts

I dropped the thought of killing myself. Everything has changed. I am living in a 2 bhk apartments with 3 other girls. Pragya, Janvi and Sara.

This is actually Janvi's apartment , the lady who saved me. She's looks like she's in mid thirties. She's very caring and loving and treats us like younger sisters.

I was planning to commit suicide.  I went to a chemist shop to get rat poison. Janvi was there.

"What do you want ma'am?" She asked smiling when I stood nervously at counter

"I- I umm rat poison." I said nervously

Hearing my shaky voice she got suspicious.

"Boyfriend problem?" She asked

"Ohh noo noo I want it for rats. At my home."

"Where do you live?" She asked me narrowing her eyebrow . I couldn't reply

"If you have to think about dying for a guy, He's not worth dying." She kept both her and on counter and leaned toward me "Live your life. Forget about him. And make him regret everything he did to you."

"I want the poison for rats" I almost shouted

"Okay think about it all day and come back to me. If you still want it I will give it to you." Before I could speak she continued. " You can do this for girl who's trying to save your life right?"

I didn't replied and left the place, and first I thought to purchase it from somewhere else but decided to wait till evening. I went back to park and set under a tree. I was feeling my throat felt dry and my stomach growled. I ignored and put my head on his when I saw someone forwarding me a water bottle.

I looked up it was Janvi.

"So wanna die?!" She asked me smirking

"No" I shake my head and grip the bottle.

"You gave up too early huhh?!" I sip water then looked at her. "It's good that you realized your worth. I did it too. I wanted to die for some but an angel saved me." She with a painful smile

"What's that angel's name." I asked her

"That doesn't matter. What matters now is I see you have a bag with you. So is it really a boyfriend problem or you ran out of your home."

"I don't have a home I was living at a friend's place. And everything in my life is complicated." I replied

"Everyone's life is complicated. By the way I didn't asked your name. What's it?"


"Janvi" she said forwarding her hand for a handshake. "How old are you?

"Almost 19."

"Too young to have a complicated life."

I smiled sadly and looked around.

"Okay now I'll go. If you need anything come to me I work there." She said pointing towards the store I went to buy poison, and got up.

"I- umm, do you know any cheap place where I can live?"

"I actually don't. I have an apartment where two other girls live on rent. Living there might be tough for you."

"I'm in urgent need of a home, I can survive anywhere. I will work and pay you rent." I said in hope of pity

She sighed."It's not about rent Shreya but will you be able to live with 3 others?"

"I will."

"Come with me then." She smiled and stared walking I stood up and followed her. She asked her boss for a halfday and showed me her place.

"So this is Sara and Pragya. They are almost your age. Both of them work part time to afford their fee and livelihood. Very hardworking."

I smiled lightly shaking hands.

"Seems like someone is sad." Pragya said politely my nose trying to lighten my mood.

"Yeahh someone wanted to die." Said Janvi who was pouring water in four glasses for all of us

"Really? Why?" Questioned Sara in shock

I kept silent.

"You can tell us Shreya we are gonna live together after all." I opened my mouth to speak but broke in tears

Janvi came near me and hugged me" hey hey, it's okay we aren't forcing you, you can take your time. Girls, no one will ask her any silly question." She threatened girl

"We won't, we didn't wanted you to cry."

"It's okay I just-" I spoke but my phone rang "I saw Daya's name on screen and stared at it."

Girls looked toward the phone then me

"Is he the reason for everything?" Asked sara, when I didn't replied she cut the call. But it rang back. I signed.

"It's okay you can pick up. You can go to that room to talk." Said Janvi caressing my head. "Thanks." I picked the phone and when inside room.

"What do you want Daya?" I questioned angrily

"I wanted to check up on you." I said in a low voice. "You don't need to show this fake concern for me, okayy. Go take care of your beloved family"

"Is this why you're mad Shreya? Because I choose my daughter?" He yelled

"No I am mad because you didn't choose me. And if you think you have any chance of getting in my pants after pretending this fake care then you're wrong."

"You think this low about me? I wanted to check up on you I was worried. I couldn't eat, my body feels weak and all I can do is thinking about you."

"We would have been in each other's arms if any of this was true." I snapped

"Look Shree-" he said but was cut of my Aanya voice. "Who are you talking to dad?"

"It was a call from work." He said and cut the call.

I blocked his number and sat on floor crying. I didn't realize for how long I have been crying until Pragya knocked the door.

"Dinner is ready Shreya." I wiped my tears and replied "I don't want to eat."

"Please Shreya atleast try eating something. We can hear your stomach growling even in the living room."

I was lost thinking that's how Daya used to convince me for food whenever I used to be mad at him.

Why did this happen to me god? Am I that bad? I lost my parents, my best friend and the man I love. After my relatives went to jail I thought everything will be alright. But things have gotten worse now. I don't have those two people I love the most.

"Please come Shreya." I gave up and went to have dinner

Days were passing I used to ignore Aanya in college,  so did she. It's the last semester and I wish it to end asap. I still have to wait for 4 more months.

Daya come to pick her up, our eyes meet sometimes but he doesn't have guts to talk to me infront of his daughter. So I changed my schedule I leave before or after he come pick or drop her.

I have learnt to live with pain and my homies have been a great support in that. They helped me in finding a part time job. I was doing fine until one day.


"It says you're pregnant Shreya." Spoke Sara looking at the pregnancy test kit, we bought I showed sign of pregnancy and fell in the washroom after getting unconscious.

Ohh my godd, what will happen now?! Will she keep the baby? Or tell Daya?

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