The Decision

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Note:- Suicidal Thoughts

Daya was sitting in his study, staring at the monitor. He wanted to avoid Aanya, but that wasn't possible. She was coming after each 30 minutes to ask what have he decided. And again...

"Why do you need this much time to decide dad? I never thought choosing your own daughter will be that tough. You choose me over mom then why on the earth you can't choose me over Shreya. She has stolen you from me." She broke "Does she matters more than me? Why dad? Because she takes care of you physical needs?!"

"Do you even realize what words you're using. Or maybe it's your mother's influence. Why can't you see she's playing with your emotions? It's not your fault you're too young for all this." He stood up and moved toward her cupping her face.

"Honey I love you more than anyone on this earth, I want to see you happy. But that doesn't mean I will betray Shreya. I know it's tough but you need to understand whatever your mother and I had, ended years ago. And now all I want is Shreya."

"I don't want her in my house dad. The thought of you having any kind of relationship with her disgusts me. I love you dad I want your happiness but that doesn't lies with a girl like her. She stabbed me, who guarantees she won't do it to you when she finds another man."

"I guarantee. And she didn't do anything wrong with you love. She wanted to stop, we both wanted to stop." He turned around. "But we couldn't."

"It's because she seduced you. I know my father will never do anything wrong. She forced you. Her family was treating her badly so she used you as an escape" she moved toward him and hugged him " I wish we would've never saved her, she stole my father."

Daya seperated and stared at her." Is this my daughter speaking? The girl I raised? The girl who was ready to do anything for Shreya? Who never spoke a bad word about anyone. You used to be humble and wise"

" Yess I could've done anything for her happiness dad. But she took benefite out of it."

"No she didn't. I know we should have told you before. And you're not able to process everything. You need some time alone to think wisely Aanya."

"Think wisely? Why do I have to be wise all the time? How can you even say this after how she broke our family dad." She sighed "I got it dad you don't want to let her go and I can't stay under same roof as her. I'll leave with mom." She spoke sadly and turned around

Daya started at her, his heart aches on the thought of being away from his daughter.

"I'll tell Shreya to leave." He said stopping her

She turned towards him with a smile and hughed him.

"I know you're hurt dad, but that girl isn't right for you. Once you give mom another chance you'll fall in love with her again."

He doubted it.

He let out a shigh when Aanya spoke. " You don't have to be around her dad. I'll tell her to leave."

Shreya's pov-

I know Daya will choose his daughter over me. I didn't wanted to be mad at him. But this thought broke my heart into millions pieces. He promised me he will make everything right, but this won't happen. He will never choose me.

I was busy packing when I heard a knock at door. I thought Daya came to tell me to leave, but it was Aanya.

"It's good you already packed your things. Dad wants you to leave."

"It'll take only 5 minutes." I spoke putting clothes inside the bag

"Bye Bestie. I hope you never be happy. And pay for everything you did to me."

I haven't expected this from her. But I know it's her mom speaking. So I smiled lightly and turned toward her.

"I am guilty for everything I did. You are my best friend I know it's not easy for you to accept whatever I and your father have. But today you broke me, you didn't cared about me. You're blinded by anger Aanya and you mother is getting benefit out of it."

"You say another word about my mother and I will kick you out of my house." I stared at her in amusement

"I already don't wish to stay here. You and Daya were the only reason I lost both of you." She ignored whatever I said and watched me packing crossing her arms on her chest.

I packed all the necessary stuff and picked my bag to leave. But I stopped at the door and turned toward her.

"Tell your dad I knew he will choose you over me. And I said not to make promises he can't fullfill." I turned around and left, when I came outside I saw Daya standing in garden.

"I drop you to a hotel, unless we find a safe place for you."

I laughed at his audacity to face me after everything he did to me.

" I don't want your pity sir. And if you think I will let you fuck me if you find a place for me after throwing me out of your house. Then you're wrong." He hold my arm and pinned me against his car angrily

"Do you think I'm doing all this to fuck you?!"

"That all you've always done, make promises to get me into bed and when you have to prove it you step back."

"You want me to choose you over my daughter? Are you mad?"

"No I'm not sir, I already knew you will choose her. Don't make it tough for me. For you I might be a young girl whom you drag into bed whenever you feel horny. But you meant the word to me, I was fool for falling for you. Now let go of me."

"I said I am coming with you." He said clutching my arms tightly, I was feeling pain physically and I my heart too. But I didn't want to cry infront of him, I didn't wanted to look weak.

"I said let go off me."

"I won't okay .. I won't. Why don't you understand how much you mean to me."

And finally I broke into tears. "You should have thought about it before throwing me out of your house. You think I will melt for your lies? I won't." He wipes my tears flowing down my cheek.

"I can't let go my daughter with her Shreya. Please try to understand."

"This time I won't. Not let me go you deaf."

I wanted to leave but when he loosened his grip to let me go I like felt diving into an ocean of sorrow. I want to cry hug him and cry my heart out, I want to yell at him for not choosing me and beg him to let me stay. I won't do any of that, coz that doesn't matter. I walked out and turned around one more time. To get a glimpse of him one last time.

All the memories we spent together flashed back into my head. Me becoming friends with Aanya, us supporting each other. Falling for Daya when he kisses me for the first time. Made love me to. Expressing his love. It was all fake.

And now I am standing there searching for a taxi. Without knowing where will I go. I walked on the searching for hotels for on my phone. These were all too expensive for me. I need to find a job to feed me to rent a place.

I went into a park nearby and sat on a bench. Thinking about how will I survive. How will I buy food and where will I stay. This made me realize I was living in a bubble for years. No one is there for me not even Daya.

I deep down knew he did it for his daughter but how can he not care about how will I survive? Should I die? That's the only option left for me.

Okayy guysss that's it for today. This was a sad one but yeahh you have to bear with me.

Will update next one soon.

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