I Can't Run Away ; The8

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Take a risk or lose the chance.

For a long time, I had lived in cowardice and fear, trying to protect that one thing from the possibility of being torn apart. I thought that it'd be better if I just bury it down, but no matter how deep I bury it, it just keeps coming back over and over again.

I had no choice but to acknowledge that its existence was perpetual. Possibly undying. It was too great. Too immeasurable to be contained.

But one day, everything changed between us when the feelings that I had bottled up for a very long time finally broke free.

I finally took the risk, and that's when I realized that it's better than living in constant trepidation.

My gaze flew to the girl sitting across from me. She was laughing due to whatever Eunbi was telling her, momentarily forgetting the little game we're having in the middle of our highschool reunion.

We rented the restaurant to ourselves for the night. Surprisingly, it was packed with nearly everyone from our batch. While some didn't have any problems coming here, there were quite many who only stayed for a short time because they were busy with their studies.

But then there are also some who still came despite being busy just to relieve the stress and pressure even just for one night, and that includes me and her.

"Okay, it's finally your turn!" Chaeyeon shrieked out of excitement, catching the attention of everyone seated at our table. My eyes lingered on the empty bottle before it traveled up to the girl across—Chaeyoung.

"Truth or dare?" Chaeyeon asked, her eyes glinting with mischief. I leaned against my chair, crossing my arms over my chest as I exhaled.

"Pick dare!" Chaeyoung said, her face already a trifle red from drinking half a bottle of beer. A smirk made its way to my lips as I voiced out the answer that elicited groans of disappointment from them.


"Boring!" Jungkook faked a yawn. Chaeyoung rolled her eyes at me.

"Chaeyoung, why is your best friend such a killjoy?" Miyeon voiced out her complaint, which was followed by a series of complaints from the others.

"Three years had passed but he's still the same, old party pooper." Jaehwan interjected.

"Come on. Choose dare just this once!" Eunbi drunkenly pleaded.

"Why make me choose in the first place when you're not even going to accept my decision? I refuse to change my mind. Go ask me a question now." I said.

Jungkook giggled and passed me a newly-opened bottle of beer which I took in acquiescence before secretly passing it over to Younghoon.

I have to get the both of us home safe.

"Fine! I'm going to ask you a question as basic as you." Chaeyeon rolled her eyes. I shook my head a little as the corners of my mouth curled up into a small smile.

"What's your ideal type?" My eyes instantaneously drifted to Chaeyoung's direction. She was looking at me, obviously anticipating my answer. She then arched a brow when my gaze lingered on her.

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