42 📞 he hesitated, olaf's line

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Bold - Jungwon

Italic - You

☏ ⚊ ☏

"What happened to you and your group members?"

"Not much. We got this big speech from our manager where he told us he's greatly disappointed. Especially to me"

"I agree with him, Jungwon, I'm disappointed too"


"If we founs at least three members of a rising global group out of the country, I'd be mad too. I'd turn into a mad hatter"

"I'm sorry"

"But on a serious note, there's no punishment?"

"... If we were found by the management, but the manager promised not to open his mouth, why?"

"I just feel like it's my fault because I dragged you with me to Disneyland and I really feel bad for using your money"


"Even if I enjoyed it, I'm sorry. I don't want to drag you down and I felt like a greedy bitch for thinking we hadn't been there for a much better long time"

"Hey, last time I checked, I insisted and don't bother thinking how it cost me. It was worth it to see you've fulfilled your promise to your grandma at least"

"I remember you have a grandma too and you talked about her in I-land. Is that why you understand my love for mine?"

"Maybe. I would hate to see her be gone too and to be honest, my grandma knew about you"

"You talked about me.. To her?"

"But still, don't feel bad, okay? I had fun and Ni-ki won't shut up about all the things he ride and my hyungs is almost fighting for the souvenirs together. And you were the most happy, that's worth it"

"Except for maybe your manager?"

"Not really.. He cheered up as soon as we gave him a Disney T-shirt"

"Wow.. It must be so nice to bribe him so easily"

"Anyway, don't worry. Money's not much an issue to me"

"If you say so, but Jungwon, I thank you for that. You're like my fairy godmother in disguise"

"Hey, I wanted to tell you something"

"Go.. I'm listening"

"I don't know why I'm being such a coward on the call. I should've just said it at Disneyland while you're spouting things about your future wedding"

"Tell me.. This princess here is curious"

"Nah, you'll just have to wait for a century in your tower the next time we meet"

"That's not nice.. To make a princess wait"

"Good night, Princess"

"Good night, Prince wonnie"

[ beeps ]

"Why can I just tell her?"

[ all his roommates were listening in the background all this time ]

Sunghoon : Her hair is turning white!

Sunoo: Does it look bad?

Ni-ki : You hesitated

Jungwon : I hate you, guys!

Mad At Disney ⚊ Enhypen Jungwon Text AU [ #4 ]Where stories live. Discover now