07 📞 perfectly brave girl

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Bold - Sunghoon

Italic - You

☏ ⚊ ☏

"Good evening, this is -"

"Tell me about yourself"

"I can see you never get tired of my terrible voice, huh?"

"Actually, I'm hanging up now"

"Haha, kidding! By the way, it's ten in the morning? Don't you have work?"

"One of the mentors did not come. Probably get lost in this huge building or something"

"That's not impossible, so you're like free to find another person to talk to?"

"Don't change the topic, Y/N. Tell me about yourself"

"A little too excited, are we?"

"I can't wait to know if you're four foot eight or four foot nine. Four flat perhaps?"

"Hey! I'm actually five-four for your information!"

[ he smirked ] "You're six inches shorter than me, still"

[ she gasped ] "You're five-ten! You're as tall as Kang Taehyun of TXT!"

"Oh, a TXT fan here, I see"

"Nope! My friend screams their songs to me every single day!"

"Whoa, you have a friend?"

"I have two friends before, but the bitch went and cheated with my ex. The end"

"Now don't change the topic and talk about them. This conversation's about you"

"Okay, so how do I start? My name is Y/N.. I have a short crappy hair and I hate it along my face. I hate my eyes and so is my smile. In other words, I hate everything in my existence"

"Wait, what? I'm sure there's something beautiful about you too.. Don't talk like that"

"Yeah, not on me though. Anyway, I'm eighteen and I'm supposed to be a senior in highschool but I quit school, so yeah. Let's see.. my mother died while birthing me and father bring me to my aunt then disappears. I don't know where he is"


"My aunt then waited for my birthday this year and ask me to cash out all my parents' money from the bank then abandon me with nothing, so I basically live by myself in the apartment and is trying to get by"


"My boyfriend - well, ex now, who I thought I could trust cheated with my ex-bestfriend and got her pregnant. They revealed it to me by showing the pregnancy's test and it was positive"


"Hello, anybody there?"

"How.. How do you live through all of that?"

"I became used to it. I'm fine, though!"


"And I'm perfectly happy by myself"

"You're the bravest girl I know then"

"No, I'm not. I just have to be"

[ beeps ]

"Why am I.. tearing up?"

Mr. Perfectly Fine ⚊ Enhypen Sunghoon Text AU [ #5 ]Where stories live. Discover now