12 📞 perfectly shock to her wits

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Bold - Sunghoon

Italic - You

☏ ⚊ ☏

"Good afternoon, this is Baskin Robbins delivery. How may I help you?"

"How can you not get tired of saying that line over and over again?"

[ her ears perked up at the familiar voice ]

"Ohh, hi there Sunghoon!"

"Wow, someone's happy to hear from me"

"Of course, you should be honored that I'm bored here"

[ he snorted ] "How are you?"

"I'm grand! The ice cream shop not busy today and the boss's not present, so we scoop some of the flavors and snack on it all afternoon"

"Damn, now I feel jealous"

"Yeah, you should be. It's for free"

"Deliver me some"

"Oh, okay.. Just tell me the flavors and I would have Minji delivered it right at your doorstop with a discount"

[ he groaned ] "You'll not deliver it yourself?"

"I kinda don't want to move my butt out of my comfortable seat here and yes, I'll admit I don't want you to see nor do I want to see you"

[ he rolls his eyes, remembering how his members would go wild if she ever delivers the ice cream and they would be the first one to celebrate ]





"I just wonder..."

"Let's hear it"

"Don't you get tired of.. just.. talking with me over the phone?"

[ her heart stopped beating at the question ]


"I mean, don't you get tired of just talking with me over the phone? What if I actually come over there and buy some ice cream, but to see you as well?"

[ her heart resumed beating to normal ]



[ beeps ]

"I seriously think I need an ice cream right now"

[ someone heard the word 'ice cream' and quickly goes up to him, smiling like a sunflower ]

"Hyung, did I just hear you say ice cream?"

"Oh god..."

"Buy me some mint choco ice cream.. Please"

"How do you even eat it?"

"It's delicious.. And yummy -"

[ Jay walks by with a bag from a certain optometrist clinic ]

"Yummy? It taste like a toothpaste"

"Where did you come from?"

"Oh, I just annoyed some idiot until her dad came to us and tease me about it. Like hell, I would like his daughter!"

"What do you think, Sunoo?"

"He's too...BLIND.. to see it"

Mr. Perfectly Fine ⚊ Enhypen Sunghoon Text AU [ #5 ]Where stories live. Discover now