26 📞 perfectly a messed up issue

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Bold - Sunghoon

Italic - You

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"Good morning"


"Is it weird that I'm nervous?"

"Is it weird that I can say the same?"

"Do you still think I'm a hormonal boy calling for girls in a hotline?"

"Well, I wasn't but I should consider it.."

"But honestly, the nerves are more about me worried making a complete fool in front of you"

"I can feel the same, Sunghoon"

"Promise me that you'll like me in real life?"

"Only if you promise to have the same thing back"


"Are you going to meet me.. like in a crowded place? If yes, I'm backing out"

"No, my plans is to just visit you there at work. Would that be okay?"

"Yes of course.. But won't people see you?"

"There's always a way to disguise myself"

"I suppose and I guess I have to get use to it.. knowing a celebrity ain't an easy thing"

"Trust me, it'll never be easy from now on"

"So what's it like to be an idol? I mean, a global group at that?"

"Hard. Harder than when I'm an ice skater. It feels like every move of ours is speculated and captured. Then there's the issue with the company itself"

"Do you have a problem with them?"

"We never said a thing about it but it felt like they're holding us back"

"What do you mean?"

"Fans keep saying we're being kept from our full potential. Like with the issue in Fever song, we could've more popularity over that song if we promoted it more"

"Is there more to this story?"

"Is it okay to vent on you?"

"Yes, I mean, didn't I once open up to you about my sad life?"

"Then be ready... There's also the case of us not liking what they did to Jay in the latest episode of ENFB. Even him was especially the most upset one about it..."

"I get it.. Minji was now typing ferociously about some trending hashtag in Twitter. What it was about?"

"It's the fans asking for some apologies from our company and we never know if they'll do something about it. We're just their artist. We can't even speak up unless we're allowed to"

"So in other words, you're like under their control? That's so unfair"

"But this is the way it has to be. We knew it from the start before signing in the contract. But there are some companies who's doing better at least"

"So I don't know a lot about of this things, but what will you do now?"

"Wait until it pass or wait for the company to let us speak about the misunderstanding in the translation. But the point is, the fans themselves wanted an apology"

"I hope you all get to fix it all soon because as far as I know, your group needs your fans the most and if they all disappear, that would be bad"

"I really hope so.. They love us but it's still scary to think what would happen if they got tired of some aspects in the company's treatment of our group"

"Everything will not be perfect even if people wish for it and the only thing they can mend some mistake is to at least try to fix it in the way they can, but is your co-member okay?"

"At least he's trying to be"

"Alright.. I actually have to do my job now. My manager is calling"

"See you later Y/N"

"See you!"

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a / n : do this chapter make sense? but seriously if you're aware of the issue in twt, i felt so disappointed in belift.

i thought they were already getting better with jay in this comeback for giving him many center time but no, they messed up in the new enfb episode.

there's really something suspicious when they decided to paste another pic of him on top of his real reaction then he's not smiling too much. why do they even have to make the picture of him in a trash?

i hope they all fix it soon enough or apologize because even some koreans themselves was clarifying there's an error in the way the subtitles was put over that particular part.

don't hate on the members, just on the company itself for messing up again perfectly.

Mr. Perfectly Fine ⚊ Enhypen Sunghoon Text AU [ #5 ]Where stories live. Discover now