49 📞 perfectly have his heart forever

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Bold - Sunghoon

Italic - You

☏ ⚊ ☏

"That's the last of them", Sunghoon says, placing down the box in her newly rented apartment near his dorm.

Y/N admires her man's muscles and don't realize he's saying something.

"Y/N?", he asks, lifting an eyebrow.

She looks up and asks, "What?"

Sunghoon chuckles and wraps his arms around her, "Are you getting excited now that I'm only walking distant away now?", he asks teasingly.

Y/N grins, seeing through his playful facade, "Nope, I guess I'm stuck now in seeing you every single day"

Feeling reassured, he cups her cheeks. She leans into her touch and he says, "I wouldn't call it stuck.. But you're lucky, it's me that you'll be seeing. You'll never get tired of this face"

Sunghoon leans down to kiss her and Y/N smiles against his lips, "I love you", she whispers.

"I love you more", he says, pulling her into his chest.

Sunghoon glances at the kitchen clock and says, "Do you want to eat dinner at the Chinese restaurant down the street?"

Y/N slightly pulls away and says, "No.."

He senses her discomfort and tightens his hold on her waist. She looks up at Sunghoon and he asks, "Why don't you want to eat there? I thought you loved their dumplings?"

She looks down and murmurs, "I don't really like that one server. She's always flirting with you..."

Sunghoon's eyes soften and he uses his fingers to tilt her chin up, "Is my girlfriend jealous?", he asks.

This time, Y/N pulls away and scoffs. Sunghoon pouts at their distance, "It's annoying that she keeps on hitting on you when it's obvious that we're together", she explains.

"Look at me, who wouldn't hit on me?", Sunghoon jokes. Y/N glares at him, not finding it funny.

"Y/N, you know you're the love of my life, right?", he asks again.

"I guess.. but -", she got cut off by her own boyfriend.

"No buts. Y/N, you are literally the most important person in my life. I love you with everything I've got", he says, trying to reassure her.

Y/N bites back her smile and mumbles, "I love you with everything I've got"

Sunghoon opens his arms wide, asking for a hug. She returns to his arms, and lifts her up. She laughs and pecks at his nose.

"Do you want some ramen? I can make some", he offers.

Y/N smiles and nods. He carries her to the kitchen and places her on the counter, "Do you need any help?", she asks.

Sunghoon stands between her legs and kisses her jaw, "I think I can cook an instant ramen alone", he mumbles while he's peppering her neck with kisses.

She laughs and pushes him away, "Your love bites are starting to get bigger, it would be impossible to hide it from your friends"

"Good. People will know you're taken", Sunghoon smirks.

Y/N rolls her eyes and hops off the counter, "I'm gonna go take a shower"

"Want some company?", Sunghoon teases, grabbing two packs of ramen in the counter.

"Very funny", Y/N says sarcastically.

Sunghoon softly smiles and starts preparing their dinner.

He was over the moon when she said yes to moving in a place near to him and now with her being his girlfriend, he knew she was someone who would have his heart forever.

And for the very first time, he was more than happy with it.

Mr. Perfectly Fine ⚊ Enhypen Sunghoon Text AU [ #5 ]Where stories live. Discover now