42 📞 perfectly the kiss of truth

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Bold - Sunghoon

Italic - You

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The cold wind felt like velvet running across her face in the crisp air of the night. The temperature was achingly cold on her skin. Her eyes scanned over the snow on the ground as her breath clouded in front of her.

Stray tears fell down her face as her eyes stayed wide open, lost in thought. Her brain felt too numb for her to have the energy to wipe her tears.

There's no worse feeling than hoping for something that'll never happen, which was culminating her whole life, making her soul heavier. She honestly felt like drowning in herself.

After her tears were dried, she took one more look around the area and see the curly haired girl in a bonnet talking to someone in the window of their ski lodge, her brows furrowed deeply as she spoke heatedly to the other line.

Y/N wiped on her face and standing up, getting a little too cold outside. She entered the lodge and see everyone was already in their room with the exception of Sunghoon waiting for her in the living room.

"Is everything okay?", he asked, the dim light complimenting the structure of his face.

She smiled slightly to herself when he asked this, "Yeah, I just needed some time to reflect or whatever"

"Listen, uh, about earlier -"

"It's fine, we can just talk about it tommorow -"

"Please", Sunghoon cut back in, looking flustered, "I don't know what I should do when I saw you cry and I really wanted to erase that from your face, so why not allow me to do something for you?"

"You shouldn't -"

"You should know by now I'll do everything to make you happy", he cut her off, grinning slightly and taking her hands in his.

"It's not like we're together or something for you to do that", she said, but felt herself smiling and her chest becoming a little less heavy at his words.

"Yeah, I know. I'm just allowing you to completely move on from him, so that once we're together, you'll only have me in your mind", he replied, his thumbs were softly drawing circles on his skin as he kept her hand in his.

"Listen, you already filled my mind most of the time", she added, her face still hot.

"Why?", he asked, amusement finding it's way onto his expression and her face heated up a bit more.

"Just a little bit", she nodded and Sunghoon chuckled softly. They both make sure to keep their voices low to both let people sleep and keep their privacy.

"Wait here, I'll be right back", he told her and walked off in the direction of their room.

Y/N stood there awkwardly as she waited, not quite sure what to do then spotted a suspicious two tall figures with the hint of pink and blank in the doorway of the kitchen.

She already knew who it is from the snickers alone even she doesn't know them for a long time.

When she saw Sunghoon walking over to her, she noticed he was holding a small rectangular box - presumably containing a necklace or bracelet.

"Oh, you shouldn't bother in giving me something", Y/N said, but that didn't seem to matter to him.

"Just open it", he smiled as he handed it to her.

She hesitantly took it and opened the delicate box. Inside was a golden necklace with a charm shaped like an ice cream. It was the perfect size charm too.

"It's so pretty and cute", Y/N said, making sure to keep her voice down.

She took it out of the box and he took her from her to help her put it on, brushing her hair to the side.

"I remember the first time I heard your voice, I honestly thought you would be my least favorite person in the world", Sunghoon began, "but I also knew there was a spark in you that compelled me from the very start", he finished clasping it and let her hair back fall down.

Y/N spun around to face him, "And as things progressed and we got closer, I realized how much I like you and it was really scary as you know from my commitment issues"

"And then there was that one time you called me when we first see each other face to face", he let a smile drift on his face and she could see that he was reliving that moment, "It should've been a bad memory, but you telling me that you're scared to be with men but not me, so you called me and asked for help, it gives me more hope"

He paused, looking back up to meet her eyes, "It was in that moment I knew I love you", he said, leaving her speechless, "I love you, Y/N L/N"

Y/N didn't know what to do other than stare back at him, her eyes becoming a little misty and her smile growing.

She leaned up and kissed him with everything she had, and he reciprocated it.

She broke it momentarily to respond, "I wish I could give some gifts too, so that I could match yours but.. I love you too, Park Sunghoon"

Sunghoon cupped her face and looked at her with such passionate gaze that Y/N lost a little feelings in her knees.

He leaned back down and brought his lips to hers, lifting her chin up gently with his hands. He was barely kissing her when a shocked gasp, if not a little exaggerated one echoed from the kitchen and Sunghoon pulled away, covering his face in frustration after seeing it was none other than Ni-ki himself.

"I'm just putting a stop to it before you forgot there's some kids in here!"

"Don't forget you're one of that kids, Sushi!"

"Why are you out here? Get back to your room!"

"Make me!"

The only thing that would've made the night better for Y/N was if the boys didn't stop the younger couple from their usual childish fight.

It seems like that's their love language, to fight and shout at each other whenever they're together.

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a / n's rant - why do this one reader here keeps hating on this y/n in the first few chapters to the point of commenting she has no human decency?

like everyone's comments is fun and lighthearted while hers is out of place.

then saying bye at y/n's simple angry words. do you not know something called character development?

there were really readers out there who's in love of comparing themselves to the mc negatively.

but seriously, there's a line between fiction and reality, don't do that here. you're just making yourself look stupid..

Mr. Perfectly Fine ⚊ Enhypen Sunghoon Text AU [ #5 ]Where stories live. Discover now