Harry's 14th Birthday

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The following morning, Harry's 14th Birthday had approached. I said farewell to Sirius before Remus apparated me to Little Whinging. It was a tough goodbye, Remus and my brother having a short conversation before my Godfather would leave us both. No formalities were exchanged between Vernon or Petunia Dursley this time, the two of us quickly making our way towards the train into London. I gave Harry his gift; this year being a Quidditch shirt and scarf with the colours of Bulgaria; who had made it into the final of the Quidditch World Cup and we would be seeing them in a few weeks.

We found the Leaky Cauldron quickly, sneaking into the back without being spotted as we made our way into Diagon Alley; my brother deciding that was where he wanted to spend his birthday so it took the pressure of Remus taking me himself. He was weak from both the full moon and the night's previous events, after all.

First, we had to stop in Gringott's to withdraw some money for our day shopping and the new school year. Quickly stopping in Flourish and Blotts, the both of us grabbed some books necessary for the next school year. Harry hadn't grown much from the previous school year, so most of his robes still fit. However, I found myself desperately in need of some new ones, popping into Madam Malkin's to make my purchase.

Although there wasn't anything that could top Harry's Firebolt broom, we popped into Quality Quidditch Supplies and grabbed some necessities; if I was going to be a successful Captain, I needed to make sure I was fully prepared. By this point, our bags were getting heavy so we stopped in Florean Fortescue's Ice Cream Parlour for a very sweet snack; Harry chose the Bubblegum Blue Sundae and I chose the Chocolate Brownie Delight. As we fought with our spoons to get the smallest remnants of syrup from the bottom of our bowls, we talked Quidditch and the New School Year.

"Who do you think our Defence Against the Dark Arts Professor will be, this year?" Harry asked, licking his spoon clean. I shrugged, momentarily remembering something Dumbledore had mentioned at breakfast, one morning, "I think Dumbledore mentioned someone who works or worked for the Ministry. Possibly an Auror?" I pouted, to which my brother nodded, a slight glint of excitement in his eyes, "That would be so cool, to have an actual Auror teaching us."

Humming in agreement, I finished the last of my treat before we grabbed our things and continued through the rows of shops. Harry wanted to stop in Gambol and Japes, but neither of us decided on buying anything. Next, Sugarplum's Sweet Shop; where we bought some snacks for when we would visit the Weasley's; Dumbledore allowing me to stay at their Burrow for a short while before the World Cup.

As we crossed the street I found my eyes scanning a shop I hadn't noticed before. 'Madam Primpernelle's Beautifying Potions.' Hardly realising I was staring at it, I jumped as Harry joined my side, "You're not seriously thinking about going in there are you, Sis?"

"Oh um...No. Course not." I stammered, ridding my mind of the thought before continuing onto the next row of shops, ignoring Harry's internal judgement. I suppose caring about how you look came with growing up.

"Miss Potter?" Flinching again at the voice, I tried not to bump into the person it belonged to. Without even glancing up, I knew it was Severus Snape. But my eyes found his dark ones, nonetheless; a slight look of confusion and disbelief in them for a moment before returning to their usual, stern composure. "Severus." I addressed, taking a step back to look him up and down; he donned his black cloak, even in the summer heat. Making me feel suddenly warm in my summer clothes.

His mind was a fortress, preventing me from even getting a small look inside. But I had mastered my ability to block thoughts from entering my mind well, our classes having paid off over the summer.

"What are you doing here?" I asked, my brother joining my side as he eyed Snape with suspicion. The Potion's Master stood a little taller, "Professor Dumbledore has requested I bring you back to Hogwarts. I will apparate Mr Potter home, beforehand."

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