I am not a Ghost... You just can't see me [2]

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11 years later….

Happy birthday to me,

Today is the day I turn 16,

Instead of a car all I get is a reminder of that I am forever alone…

Ok so I am not a lyricist but that was all that ran through my head as I sat in the attic and watched through the window as the Williams packed their final boxes into the moving van. I was a little sad to see them leave, but to be honest I did not expect them to last as long as they did. A whole 6 months they had lived in this house, almost the record of longest time spent in a house I have haunted -which for the record was 7 months 3 weeks and 3 days held by a group of college students who only lasted so long because it took them that long to get the money to move out.

The Williams had been so much fun to haunt with most of the family’s over the top reactions . Mrs. Williams had by far the best reactions to my mischief that I had seen in a long time. My hauntings usually consisted of gradually implanting a extreme sense of paranoia with constant strings of weird occurrences with in the house such as suddenly unplugging the TV or placing ironically relevant books on the coffee table and having it open to a specific page; those sorts of things that can cause the human mind to enter into a spiral of disarray. The children were less easily spooked than their mother but after about the fourth month they too had become extremely paranoid about the paranormal.

Their dog was another story entirely. He was a golden retriever cross with something fluffy, the thing looked like a huge golden feather duster with legs.   The nuisance of a thing would always be in my way whenever I tried to set up one of my usual – and rather simplistic- scare tactics.. What was he some weird Medium dog?; that dog was the first thing in the last 11 years who even slightly noticed my invisible existence. I mean seriously the thing somehow managed to find whatever room I was in and then it would just chill there, but then again it wouldn’t be a surprise if after 11 years of developing paranoia in others that I myself would get to the point that I believed dogs have the ability to sense something that to the rest of the world was invisible in everyway; no one could see me, no one can hear me and as far as I am able to tell I have no scent. I believe that  would be called Karma and if so than I know that I deserve it. I accepted my trifling insanity with open arms because there was no one in existence could ever judge me for it because in order to judge me they need to know that I exist.

Mr. Williams was never home. Always ‘working late at the office’, so when he was home I halted my mischief to give the family some quality time. Just because I like creating havoc in people houses doesn’t mean I want to destroy a family. I know how it feels to lose those close to you and over the years since that horrid night while I have not forgiven I have grown enough to know that there is only so long that you can hold strangers accountable the actions of monsters.

That however is not to say that I had felt the need to terrify my unaware house mates. When I was younger I was in all ways imaginable the equivalent of a living poltergeist; I would throw knives across kitchens, over turn tables and brake vases, but as time passed I became tired if the nothing I felt after my outbursts, I never felt content or even satisfied I only felt even more alone than I had been in the first place; So I inserted my energy into developing theatrical final haunt routines, which were my the only thing that made me feel like my life was even real.

About a week ago most of the Williams were at their wits end with this ‘haunted’ house and they had decided it was time to move on. Mr. Williams however – who had no idea what had the family so scared  because he was never home when I pulled my little haunting stunts– thought the family were out of their mind and over exaggerating, he didn’t believe in the existence of the  paranormal and was a solemn believer of  pure coincident ;So my stage was set for my big finally.

Mr. Williams had just got home from work. He had hung his coat up and went into the dinning room where the rest of the family sat and had already started  eating dinner. They all greeted each other and then went back to their food.

Once everyone was seated I started. I had come up with the basics of this  final haunt plan about three years ago when I haunted a house whose inhabitant was fanatic about Michael Jacksons early albums and so I developed an appreciation for thriller and it ability to be the ultimate soundtrack to turn an everyday activity into the most terrifying moment of someone’s life.

While I could of easily had set the plan into action with a flick of wrist and let my magic do the work I made preferred to do it myself because if I didn’t then I would never get any satisfaction from it. First I went to the stereo, where I had placed Michael Jackson’s  Thriller cd in there earlier during the day and pre set to track  4 ‘Thriller’. I hit play and turned it up abruptly. When I heard Mrs. William’s startled scream from the dinning room I knew I had chosen the right family. This was going to be the best haunt I had done in a long while. I then quickly scurried to the fuse box which was just outside the kitchen door and turned the switches on and off. On and off. Mrs. Williams screamed again; a sly  smile  formed on my face and widened as she continued to babble in distress.

For the final stage of my haunt I had decided to incorporate the dog; I mean he had witnessed all my little plans while he had been here and didn’t seem to opposed to them so why not make him an unofficial accomplice??

I walked into the dinning room  to see  quiet an array of expression- all of which where  very entertaining. Mrs. Williams shrinking back into her chair grasping her cross in her hands, unsure where to look. The children were a little startled but mostly they were searching for the dog so they could discretely get rid of the Brussels sprouts. Mr. Williams was by far the most entertaining, his face stamped with confusion and an expression that looked as if he had just smelt something so bad that he couldn’t keep his eyes open.  

Finally the dog entered the room. About damn time too. Note to self next time using a pet as an accomplice… drag the thing in!!! Man he was slow today. Normally he would just follow me into any room, using his weird dog medium sense, but no not now, the one time I actually wanted the thing to do that.

Once the family had taken notice of the dog I went to work.

I lifted the dog and began moving him in circles in the air like  he was a carriage on a fairest wheel. Around and around. As to be expected children and Mrs. Williams screamed and leaped from the table scattering in every direction. Mr. Williams looked like he was just sitting there… until I noticed his eyes were closed . He had fainted!

I put the dog down, who was confuse as to what the hell had just happened, but after a minute or two he was back to his normal self and followed me out of the room.

Needless to say the next day the family began packing.

As the moving truck closed its doors and the family got into their car I knew that it was time that I too move on…


I know they are short but maybe they will get longer??

anyway comment if you want

** Kara is not dead, she is just invisible **  


*EDIT - this is edited edition of the chapter , i am in the process of editing all of the current chapers

thanks to all for reading :)

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