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"What do you think her reaction will be?"

"I think she's gonna freak out."

"Of course she's gonna freak out what do you expe- "

You could hear muffled voices and your body was suddenly starting to ache all over.

What is going on. Wait the pizza! The delivery guy! Are you kidnapped?!

You shot your eyes open and got up.

And you instantly regretted it.

Your right arm started to hurt you even more than it was already hurting.

You looked around to find yourself in a bedroom. Not just any bedroom but a very luxurious looking bedroom.

"...Where am I?"

"You're in my castle."

The voice startled you and looking up at the unfamiliar voice, your breath hitched- It was a very handsome guy. He looked so pretty, almost like a prince, he had silver hair and toned skin. 

You shook yourself and came back to reality, You were sure that you looked like you were drooling over this guy.

"Y/n, are you feeling any better now?" He spoke.

"Wait how do you know my name?" you question him.

You look around once again and your eyes widen.

Familiar faces.

"Jimin! Yoongi!"

Jimin walks over with a worrying expression and holds your hand.

"Hey, are you okay? Does your arm hurt?"

"Yeah, it hurts a little but where am I?" You looked at him for an answer.

"You almost got kidnapped by the knights so Jimin and I brought you here to keep you safe." Yoongi answered, observing you carefully.

He looked intimidating and handsome as hell. He was wearing a black silk shirt with black matching pants, he had his sleeves rolled up and his hair was parted a little to the side. Jimin also wore the same thing but the silk shirt was cream in color. You've never seen them wearing these kinds of clothes and you're definitely not complaining either.

You were about to question the change of appearance but got interrupted when the door opened. You turned your gaze to the door and saw another handsome guy making his way towards your bed.
"I got you some tea, drink this and you'll feel a lot more better." He said with a smile while bringing you a mug of red liquid in it.

You looked at him with slightly wide eyes.
"Thank you..."

You looked back at Jimin and Yoongi.
"So you're telling me that the delivery guy was a kidnapper?" you asked with a confused gaze. Jimin nodded.

"Then where's the food that Yoongi ordered?" you ask again.

You hear a chuckle from the silver haired guy.

"You literally almost got kidnapped and you're worried about food now?" Jimin asks.

"What? I'm still starving." you rolled your eyes at him. "And I was very excited for the pizza."

"What's a pizza?" The guy who bought you tea asked.

You gasped. "What? You don't know what a pizza is?!"

He shook his head in response.

You looked at Jimin and Yoongi for an answer.
They just shrugged.

You look back at the silver haired guy again. "Who are you guys actually?"

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