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You were back in your room, laying on your bed staring at the ceiling. The ceiling was definitely a work of art. The designs were carved out and so pretty. You could stare for hours. Your room was really beautiful. Everything was a cream white and a heavenly pink.

Sighing, you got out of your bed and went to the window which matched the room. You looked out and your breath hitched.
A huge garden.

You made your way to the pretty scenery. You decided to check it out instead of staying in your room the whole day. You love flowers so this definitely can help you feel a lot better. You didn't want to think about everything that has happened.
You stood there just staring at the scenery.
There were tons of white roses, pink bonica roses, cream colored and pink azaleas and a lot more flowers which you didn't know the name of. Everything looked so pretty together. All the flowers seemed to be well taken care of. The quiet wind and the atmosphere helped you think of nothing that happened the day before.

"You like flowers?" a familiar voice asks from behind.                                                                                   You almost screamed your lungs out. You were in your own world and he just suddenly speaks from behind.
Namjoon's eyes widened.
"Oh I apologize, I didn't mean to scare you."
You chuckle shakily. "It's fine, I was just in my head."

You finally calm down and look at the garden in front of you again.
"Who takes care of them?"
"I do." he looks at you and smiles.
You slightly gasp. He has dimples. Your body feels weak from just looking at his smile.

"Well It's not just me though, Jungkook, Jimin and Seokjin helps me too."

"Oh." you nod.

"Do you do this out of passion or something" you ask unsurely.

He chuckles. "Yes of course, I love gardening a lot so I decided to do this. I come here very often too. It's like my comfort place."

You nod at him.
You don't blame him one bit. You would come out here as much as you can if you could.

"You seem really dedicated to all of this, this garden is huge!" You're really impressed, it's not everyday you see a guy who likes gardening this much. You're really curious about this guy. He's an actual king. A nice one on top. He has dimples and he loves flowers. Is this a dream again? you ask yourself. Do guys like him exist?

"Well, I've always loved plants in general, when I was young, there was this park with lots of flowers and plants where me and my friends always went out to play. So it always reminds me of those days when I was actually happy. And they also remind me of my mother. This garden is actually hers. She started this garden and grew a lot of pretty flowers. But I take care of them now, it makes me happy." he says with a small smile.

"Woah, that's really nice. Where's your mother now?"

"She's gone, no longer alive."

"Oh, I'm so sorry, I shouldn't have bought that up."
You're so stupid. Now he's reminded of his long gone mother.

"It's alright, don't worry about it. I've learned to think about her without being sad." he gives you a warm smile. One that could kill you any moment. His dimples are gonna be the death of you.

"Well I'm sure that she was a wonderful person." you smile at him.

"She was. She really was beautiful and a wonderful mother too."

You both have been walking around the garden for a while now.

"Hey, Namjoon?"


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