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It's another day again.
And you're starving, so you decided to get something to eat.
You opened your bedroom door to see the tall blonde guy there by the door. Good thing he's here! Or else you wouldn't know how to get to the breakfast table without getting lost.
"Hi?" You speak up.
"Hello." He smiles.
"Could you take me to the serving hall?"
"Of course, follow me."

You finally reached the breakfast table but no one was there. Only you and the blonde guy next to you.
Are you waking up late or is everyone else just very very early. But when you checked the clock it was 7:08 am. Isn't 7 am early?!
You look at the blonde guy. "Did you have your breakfast?"
"Yes" he nods.

It was silent for a moment as you got your plate to eat.
"What's your name by the way?" You ask him.
He looked a bit startled by your question.
"Um, it's Rowan."
"I'm Y/n." You smile at him.
"Yes." He nodded with a returning smile.
"Why are you always standing by the room I'm staying at though?" You ask.
You've been wanting to ask this. You knew that it must've been Namjoon's doing. He must've asked him to help you get to places since he knew that you'd get lost in this huge castle.
"The king asked me to assist you if you needed any help." He replied.
"Do you stand outside the room all day?" You ask him with wide eyes.
He chuckles, "No, I take turns with another helper."
You nodded, you wouldn't want anyone standing at a fixed place day to night because of you.
"Don't you get bored?" You speak up again.
"Bored of what?"
"Standing still by the door for a long time?"
"Yes, but I'm used to it." He smiles.


You finish your breakfast and you're wondering what to do next.
You haven't seen or talked to anyone since the day in the garden with the king.
You're gonna go crazy. It's not like you're someone who has a lot of friends and socialize with human beings 24/7. You're very awkward with people and you know it. It's just that it's boring with nothing to do here, you doubt they have tv here. You're already bored and it hasn't even been 2 days in this castle. All the guys seem to have their own stuff. And you're just here with nothing to do. You haven't seen Jimin or Yoongi around either. Great.

Your arm is all healed up now. And you feel a lot more better so you decided to walk around and take a tour of the huge castle. Rowan left before you could even finish your breakfast. He was called by a maid who said that the king acquired his presence. He left immediately and told you to not leave your spot.
Well you decided to not listen to him. You can't just sit there forever! And he can't tell you what to do.

You've been walking around for five minutes. This place is definitely huge. Huge enough to get lost.

You're lost.
There are hundreds of rooms in here. How can someone not get lost?

You walk further, trying to find the stairs you just came through. Walking through these walls gave you a slight feeling of nostalgia. It was weird.

Breaking from your thoughts, you could hear a faint noise which made you tilt your head at the direction it was coming from.
You slowly walk towards the door and the noise got louder. It was someone playing a piano if you're not mistaken.
You open the door slowly and you find yourself in a ballroom. The music got louder when you entered.
You stood there listening without moving. The song made you feel something you didn't know you could feel. You could hear the notes, beautifully expressing love, passion and yearn. The melody was sad. It was as if it was yearning for the past. Crying because it missed touch, love and anything warm. Waiting for it to get better. Wondering if the warmth it felt will ever come back.

He looked so immersed in it. He was moving his head to the song with his eyes closed.
You listened to the song carefully, closing your eyes. Listening to the emotions. Listening to him playing.

He played beautifully. You didn't know that The Min Yoongi could play the grand piano.
He was so good you could listen to him play forever.

The song came to an end. The emotions you felt, you quickly shoved them back in. The melody reminded you of something beautiful that you forgot about. A connection that you forgot you had.

"I didn't know you played the piano." You broke the silence.
Yoongi turned to you, his eyes widening a little.

"What are you doing here?" He slowly rubs the back of his head.

"That was beautiful." You told him, ignoring his irrelevant question. You're not gonna tell him that you were exploring the castle and ended up getting lost.
"Thanks." He smiled, avoiding your eyes.
"Aww are you shy??" You teased.
He gave you a stern look.
You chuckled at that.

"Where did you learn to play?" You sat beside him on the piano stool.

"Um I've been learning to play since I was a child."

"You're really good, made me feel emotional and all that stuff." You complimented him again.

"Thank you." He said with a genuine smile.

"Why didn't you never mention that you played?" You rolled your eyes. You're kinda annoyed that you're finding this about him now.

"You never asked." He shrugged.
You looked at him with an annoyed expression.
"What?" He chuckled slightly.

Him playing reminded you of something. But you weren't too sure. This song bought back a memory you didn't know you had. A memory you forgot. It was like a fever dream.

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