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Everyone was still asleep and you were the first to wake up. You wanted to rest more but couldn't.

It was still dark.
The sky was beautiful. The moon and the stars were even more bigger and brighter from Xena than from earth.
From under the tree you stared at the pretty sky, it was kind of chilly but not too cold.

Breathing in the cool air lifted all the weight from your body. Your mind felt free and empty for the first time in a while.

"Why are you up?"
You look at the raspy voice and find yourself smiling.
"Nothing. Just woke up out of nowhere and I can't go back to sleep."
"Are you okay? Is there anything on your mind?" He asks as he sits up beside you.
"No don't worry, I'm fine. You should go back to sleep."
"No I'm good." He chuckled.

Jimin looked even more beautiful under the skylight. His messy blonde hair and his smile glowed. His smile will never fail to make you feel safe. Just looking at him made you think about how much you love him. He was your best friend and he helped you get through your boring life.
"What?" He asked.
You broke out of your thoughts. "Huh?"
"Why are you staring at me?" He giggled.
"Nothing. I'm just glad you're here." You sighed.
"What do you mean? I'm always here with you Y/n." He spoke softly.
"I know, it's just that everything was so quick and confusing. All of this was a lot to take in for me but right now I'm just glad I at least have you and Yoongi with me at the moment, in my life."
He stared at you. He wasn't smiling anymore.
"Y/n, I'm sorry."
"You know now, that I only came to your apartment to keep an eye on you as an order from Namjoon."
"Jimin, don't even think about it and you don't have to be sorry at all. I'm not gonna lie, I was a bit sad when I heard it at first but I don't care now. I'm just happy I at least met you. You helped me a lot Jimin. I will forever be grateful to have you in my life." You smiled at him.
"I am happy I met you too. I will forever be there for you, always Y/n." He smiled back.

"Oh my god I think I'm going to cry. You guys are so adorable.."
You and Jimin looked at the voice in a flash.
"Jin! You scared us! What is literally wrong with you??" Jimin yelled at him.
"Shhhh guys stop yelling! The rest of the guys are still asleep!" You whisper yelled at the both of them.
"It's time they wake up anyway." Jin shrugged.
"He is way too much to handle." Jimin sighed.
"I heard that."
You shook your head.

"Hey, I forgot. I wanted to give you something." Jimin searched his pockets and took out a ring with a dark celadon blue stone on it.
"What's this?" You gasped.
"A ring."
You stared at him. "Yes I know that but why?"
"I have one too, here, look." He pulled out his hand and there it was, the same ring on his ring finger.
"It's a magic ring. It'll allow me to feel your presence. In case anything happens, it'll help me find my way to you."
"Jimin, that's.." you were out of words. Did he really care that much?
"Thank you Jimin." You smiled at him.


"We're here..." Taehyung whispered.

You guys finally reached the 'dark forest' after 4 more hours of travel. And it definitely is a dark forest alright. The trees have no color, they look dead and it seemed like there was a restriction for sunlight.
"Now I know why this forest has its title." You laughed nervously.

"Well, what are we waiting for..? Let's continue our way." Hoseok said.

"Everyone light up your torches, one or two won't be enough and be aware of your surroundings, we don't know what is lurking here and there."

"Namjoon, please stop scaring us." Jimin whispered.
Namjoon shrugged.

"Okay, let's go in." Hoseok said as he took the first step with his horse.

We all follow behind.
Each and every step made a noise because of the dry leaves on the ground and the air felt very eerie with the scary vast silence of the forest.
The dry plants and trees were thick with black leaves and thorns and the road was hardly visible. "How much time will it take to get out of this place?" You asked."One whole night." Yoongi replied with a sigh. You gulped. "We can't move too fast either, we shouldn't bring attention to ourselves here." Jungkook said.

"Yeah, it's best we move slowly and quietly."


It felt like you were riding forever even though it hasn't been that much.
The forest is not for the weak. You felt safe because you have the guys with you.
Since your eyes got adjusted to the dark, you could see your surroundings moving, making it seem like something was lurking everywhere. But you couldn't make out whether it was just the plants or your hallucinations.
The eerie silence of the forest made it worse. You can't even talk since the task is to move slowly and quietly without bringing any attention.
Your body felt lightheaded and sweaty. You figured that it was the natural effect of the forest.
The air felt heavy and you could hear everyone's slow breathing. The trees were huge and you felt like there were eyes on you.

When you get the feeling of someone or something watching you, then someone is probably watching you.

And then suddenly a chill runs down your spine. You felt cold and you looked straight at Yoongi since he was the one riding beside you. He notices the look on your face. "What's wrong? you okay?" He looked pretty concerned.
Everyone slowed down.

Your vision became brighter and you felt warmer. The guys were all gone. And when you looked around, you found yourself in a bright and sunny forest with shade. Not like the one you were in right now. It was green and beautiful and right in front of you was a beautiful brown piano covered in moss. And right there was Yoongi. Playing the most beautiful melody.
"Yoongi..?" You walked over to him slowly with uncertainty. It really looked like him. His pale, milky skin and jet black hair. He wore white and looked ethereal.
It felt like a dream.
You walked closer to him and before you could reach out for him, you fell into sleep.

Courage and HomeOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora