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The castle had a light rosy pink touch. It's beautiful. Savia is beautiful.

Everyone got down from their horses and walked towards the castle. Before you could even look at the elegant pink castle, a guy was making his way towards the four of you.

Jimin screamed and jumped on the man, hugging him tightly. Jungkook ran behind Jimin, copying his actions. Everyone looked so happy to see that guy.

"Guys, I can't b-breathe!"
The guy was being squeezed by Jimin and Jungkook.
"Guys that's enough, free him now." Namjoon said chuckling.
"Let him breathe." Yoongi rolled his eyes.

"I missed you guys." The unknown guy said with a smile.
"We missed you too." Jungkook replied.
He looked at them with a fond smile. They all seemed so close.

The guy finally acknowledged your presence, his smile growing.
"Hoseok, meet Y/n and Y/n, meet Hoseok." Namjoon said.
"Hi, I'm Hoseok." He smiled.
"Hello." You nodded at him with a smile.
This man just gave you the energy you didn't have. He's so radiant, no wonder they all seem to care about him a lot.

"Y/n, he is the one I talked to you about." Namjoon said. "I've requested him to keep an eye on you." He continued.
"Oh, okay." You nod.

"I'm sorry but have we actually met before?" Hoseok asked you with a confused look.
You frown in confusion.
You have never seen this guy in your life.
"I don't think so." You said.

"Why does she require protection?" Hoseok turned to look at the boys. 
"She's Henry's daughter." Yoongi said.

"What?" Hoseok asked in disbelief.
"So you're the lost princess?" He turned to you.
"Yeah? I guess I am." You say.
"I know it's unexpected but it's the truth." Jungkook said.

"But how did you guys find her after so long?"
"It took a while I know, but we did finally find her." Jimin chuckled.

"Alright, hobi hyung, how is Seok Jin?" Jungkook asked.
Hoseok sighed.
"He didn't take it well at first but he's way better now."

"I'm guessing that he's determined to kill his father's murderer." Namjoon said while shaking his head.
"Can we see him?" Jimin asked Hoseok.
"Yeah, he'd be happy to see that you guys are back, follow me."

You guys follow Hoseok into the castle. He took you to an open space inside the castle.
The sound of swords clashing together hit your ears.
Two men in a suit and a helmet were fighting against each other with the swords.

"Yo Jin! Training hard I see." Yoongi shouts.

Upon hearing Yoongi's voice. One of the guy training, stopped and turned to your group.
He removed his helmet and holy shit.

This man was breathtaking.
He had black shiny hair and plump lips.
He smiled and man you almost lost your mind.
Is this guy real? He looks like he came out of a movie scene.

"What brings you guys here?" He chuckled with delight.

This Jin guy has a beautiful voice too.

"WhY aRe YoU gUys herE." Jungkook imitated and rolled his eyes.
"We came all the way from Clement and that's how you greet us?" Namjoon said with a mocking tone.
"My apologies, I welcome you to my castle. How may I assist you?" Jin said while bowing.

"You're going to be a king but you still don't know how to speak formally." Yoongi laughed out.
"How may I assist you??? Thats something a king would never say." Jungkook teased.

Jin rolled his eyes.
"I'm learning okay?"

"How are you doing though?" Yoongi asked, turning into serious mode.
Jin sighed.
"I don't know, I just don't know what to feel. I know my father died and all that stuff but I'm still unsure. We didn't have the ideal father son relationship ship anyway so.."

"He was still a good king though." Hoseok said.
"He was a good king but not a good father." Jin replied.
"All of this is too much and who would even want this man dead?" Jin asks with a frown.
"Yeah about that." Namjoon says and turns to you.

Why are they all staring at you now.
This is uncomfortable.

"Who is she?" Jin asks.
"Henry's daughter so I'm told." Hoseok shakes his head in disbelief.

"What?" Jin breathes out.
"You mean the lost princess?" He asked again.

Yoongi nods.

"How did you guys find her?" Jin's eyes widened slightly.
"I sent Jimin and Yoongi to keep an eye on her but she almost got captured by the Everard knights. So they bought her here."  Namjoon said.

Jin nods and looks at you.
"I'm Jin, prince of Savia." He smiles and asks for your hand.

"I'm Y/n." You smile back and place your hand in his.

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