Weird day

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"There's no way he's Jin's brother."

"Well he is." Hoseok stated as he wrapped a white cloth over your knee.

"But he doesn't seem anything like Jin."

"I can't tell you anything about their relationship at the moment, they'll tell you when it's time and besides it's not my place to tell."

You sigh. "Yeah I know."
"Ow wait, that hurts."

"Whoops, sorry." Hoseok chuckles.
"Does it feel fine now?" He asks.

"Burns a bit but I can handle it. Thank you." You smile at him.

"No problem and I'll make sure I scold Taehyung for you." He smiles back.

You chuckle. "Yes please, thanks."


"Okay so why are we all here again?" Yoongi asked with a frown on his face.

Namjoon called everyone to discuss something 'important' and you've all been waiting for at least 30 minutes. It's been a while since you've got here and you're already starting to lose your patience.

"It's been half an hour already." Jungkook whined.

"We'll wait for him longer then." Namjoon stated bluntly.

"Who are we waiting for again?" You ask.

"Taehyung." Jin replied.

"What? Him?" You scrunch your face.

"You know him?" Jin asked you.

"I don't like him." You snarled.

"I am not a bit surprised honestly." Namjoon stated.

"Woah woah what happened, how'd he get on your bad side?" Jimin asked with an amused grin.

"Tae is back and he bumped into Y/n before and it did not go well." Hoseok shook his head.
You rolled your eyes.

The door opened suddenly and a figure walked in and you both made eye contact.


"What is she doing here??" he frowned pointing at you.

You rolled your eyes.
"What is your problem?"

"I'm asking again. Why is she here?" Taehyung turned his figure to Namjoon and Jin.

"Okay first of all, I have no idea what went down with the two of you but you guys need to calm down." Namjoon said with a concerned look.

"This is funny as hell. Keep going." Jungkook and Jimin snickered.
You shot them a look and they stopped their giggling and stood straight.

"She can get really scary when she's angry." Jimin whispered to everyone.

"Wow I absolutely heard nothing at all." You looked at Jimin.

Jimin did a forced-fake laugh and hid behind Jungkook.

Rolling your eyes for the nth time today, you turned to Namjoon and Jin.

"Namjoon, what did you want to say?" You ask him so that you could just get this over with.

Namjoon sighed. "Right."

"We found a lead." Jin said while looking at Taehyung with sympathy.

"What? Why are you looking at me?" Taehyung frowned.
"Why am I even here?" He continued.

"Tae.." Hoseok came up to him.

"He's still your father." Jin said.

"I don't care about him okay? I'm actually glad that he's dead!"

"Taehyung. Calm down." Namjoon stated.

"Whatever." He mumbled.

There was silence before Namjoon continued.
"The king's death wasn't a suicide or an accident. He was murdered."

"Yeah no shit." Yoongi said.

Namjoon rolled his eyes. "Can y'all like literally not shut up for at least 2 seconds?"

Everyone was silent.

"Okay so this has something to do with Y/n's dad."

You figured.

"There was a chance that King Savior was involved with Y/n's father." He continued.

"Wait what do you mean by Y/n's father? Who's her father?" Taehyung interrupted.

"Y/n is the lost princess." Jin sighed.

Taehyung glanced at you.
"She's Henry's daughter?" He asks again.

"Yes." Yoongi replied.

"How'd you guys find her?" Taehyung stood up.

"It's been two years since we tracked her but when we smelled danger, I sent Yoongi and Jimin after her." Namjoon said.

"2 years? You've been tracking me for two years? That's very creepy." You breathed out.

"Sorry but we had to keep an eye on you Y/n." Namjoon shrugged.

"Okay okay, I'll just try to forget that information." You nodded.

Taehyung was silent. He stood there looking down at his feet as his eyes watered.

"Are you okay?" Jin sounded worried.

"Yeah I'm fine." He mumbles as he sat back down.

"This day just keeps getting weirder and weirder." Hoseok sighed.

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