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"It's literally 4 in the morning." You groan.
"Calm down Y/n. You can sleep all you want after we get there." Yoongi says with an annoyed tone.
"Why do we have to go so early though?" You complain again.
"I know right, I was sleeping so peacefully until Jimin started yelling and banging at my door." Jungkook said from behind you with a frown.
"Be glad that I didn't pour a whole bucket of water on your face, it was very tempting." Jimin scolded him.
Jungkook rolled his eyes.

"Can you guys shut it? We need to start moving so that we can get there before the sun sets." Yoongi stated.
"Yeah he's right, if we don't go this early, we won't be able to reach Savia before sundown."
Namjoon looks at you.
"Wonderful."  Jungkook says from behind you.
"What's so 'wonderful' about that?" Yoongi asks with a frown.
Jungkook rolled his eyes again.

"Why do we have to go before the sunset though?" You ask Namjoon.
"It's not very safe to be traveling at night." He replies.
That made sense. "Okay, I get it." You nod.
Namjoon leans down, his face getting closer to yours."Good." He breathes out and flashes his dimple.
Your eyes slightly widen. Heart beating faster.
How is this man making you feel .... stuff.
You need to calm down.
But you don't even blame yourself, he looks too good at the moment.
A shirt loosely tucked inside of his black pants with the sleeves rolled up. The color of the shirt matching with his long hair.

He looked handsome. Not just him though. All of them did.

Jimin wore a cream shirt tucked inside his brown pants that hugged his legs.
Jungkook wore a loose black shirt with brown pants. The shirt was loose on his torso with a few buttons undone.
And Yoongi wore a white shirt with a collar which went down, exposing a part of his chest.


"Earth to y/n." Jimin laughs.
"You checking me out?" Yoongi says with a smug face.
You roll your eyes. "No, why would I?"
"You and I both know what world you were in just now." He came closer so that you could clearly hear what he wanted to say.

"Ahem, sorry I think Namjoon's calling me. Bye!" You said an excuse to get away from him but the second you turn around, you see Namjoon listening to your conversation.

You just want to disappear at this point.

Yoongi and Jimin bursted out laughing. Your face was becoming red from the embarrassment.
Namjoon also started laughing along with them while Jungkook just looked confused.

"Can we just leave now?! Weren't you and Namjoon in a hurry?" You yelled at Yoongi. His face is cute but he can get so annoying sometimes.

"Alright alright, let's leave." Jimin said smiling.


Everyone got on their horses and you guys left the castle of Clement.

It was dark outside when you started the journey.
But now you were glad that you left early. Because the rosy hue of the sky made it worth it. The sun was rising and the sky couldn't look any prettier. It felt refreshing and you couldn't stop absorbing the sky.
It actually felt nice to be outside instead of staying inside the castle.
It felt so new to you because you haven't seen a sunrise in forever, you were so caught up in your university, you forgot about things like these. You were always inside your apartment never going out or having time for yourself.

You've been alone your whole life and you were used to it. You were bought up in a group home without a parent figure and it was quite shocking to learn the real truth about your biological parents now.
Everything kind of shifted when Jimin came into your apartment, he's the first friend you made. You're grateful for him and Yoongi, even though they came to you with a motive.

This day made you relaxed, calm and happy. Thanks to the pretty sky.
You were so engrossed in your thoughts and the sky that you failed to notice all the stares from the men around you.

Jimin had a tiny smile on his lips, looking at you. He felt relieved to finally see you relaxed and happy. You were so caught up in your studies and you never had free time. And he hasn't seen you so relaxed in a while. Should he thank the sky? He thought to himself.

Yoongi was observing you. Trying to study your form. He wondered why you looked so calm.
He has missed your presence all this while but didn't realize how much.

You had your eyes closed, trying to enjoy the cool air and the sound of nature.
Namjoon thought about the day he spent with you in his garden.
Smiling to himself, he tried to ignore his thoughts. But he couldn't help it.

Jungkook looked back at the sky and somehow knew that sunrises will always remind him of you. It was a sign that he should relax and calm himself from life too.

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