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Din slowly guides the Razor Crest down out of the atmosphere, preparing to land.

Cressida leans forward, looking eagerly out the window, craning her neck to see better.

"You ever been here before?" Din asks, as the Crest gently bumps on to the landing pad.

"No. I never left..." Cressida stops, not bothering to continue the sentence.

Din doesn't press. He knows that some things are too personal to discuss. Especially with a stranger.

He locks the ship into place, switching it off and unbuckling himself before standing.

Cressida is still rooted to her seat, making no attempt to move. Din can almost feel her discomfort and it makes him feel edgy, too.

"You don't have to come with me," he says, his deep voice low. Cressida looks up at the beskar clad figure standing there.

For one split second, she aches to gaze upon the man's face. If only momentarily.

But she knows his creed. Knows that he won't remove the helmet in her presence and she respects his creed.

"I'll come. It'll be good to stretch my legs." Din nods before passing on by, his metal armor clanking as he heads for the back hatch.

Cressida sits there, gathering her courage and praying (to whom, she doesn't know), that no one on Navarro will recognize her face.


Din notices how Cressida quietly looks around at the different species and creatures that are all milling about, each focused on their separate tasks.

"It can be a lot to take in," Din says. "If one isn't used to all the bustle."

Much to Din's surprise, Cressida chuckles softly. He finds himself taken by her.

She's pretty. With her chestnut brown hair, that's curled slightly and her bright, blue eyes.

Din realizes that this is the first time he's really studied Cressida. He notices the way she walks, straight, yet slightly rigid, almost as though she were taught to walk a specific way.

Din wants to know her backstory, although he's not eager to share his. It's better if they don't share too much.

He already let his guard down with the kid and look where that got him.

Nowhere. He opened up and yet, he's still alone. He still has no one to care for. And no one to care for...him.

Din swears softly under his breath. He needs to knock his shit off. Feeling sorry for himself wasn't going to get him anywhere.

They reach Greef Karga's place and Din raps sharply on the closed door. A moment later, a droid opens the door, ushering Din and Cressida inside.

Greef stands, grinning widely as he rises from his seat, coming forward to greet Din.

"Hello, old friend! It's been a while!"

"Yes," Din says. "I apologize. I've been..busy." Greef raises his eyebrows and his gaze slides over to Cressida, who immediately lowers her gaze.

"Have you taken a wife?" Din knows Greef is teasing, although he probably wishes that Din would find someone.

"No. We met under strange circumstances. She was looking to escape from some damn droids and I rescued her."

"A real knight in shining beskar?" Greef laughs and Cressida wishes she could make herself invisible.

"Enough, Karga," Din says sharply and surprising Cressida. She dares to lift her head slightly, gazing at Din's chest plate.

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