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Cressida wastes no time in rushing towards the Sarlacc pit and peering anxiousness down inside, praying that Din hasn't passed through yet.

Her heart jumps as she spots Din clinging to the slimy tentacles of the Sarlacc's mouth.

She starts blasting at it, hoping that Din will be able to climb up and out, to safety.

"Here's a rope!" Boba roughly shoves it into Cressida's hands, as he grabs his own blaster and continues to fire at the Sarlacc pit.

Cressida's hands are shaking and she wills them to stop. Din needs her help now.

Cressida tosses the rope down, angling it in Din's direction. His hands are slick with the Sarlacc's saliva and it takes him a few tries to grab ahold of the rope.

Cressida pulls with all her might and suddenly, there's a woman behind her, helping her.

Boba is still firing at the Sarlacc and after a few good heaves, Din is up on the sandy ground, panting and gasping.

Cressida drops her hold on the rope and throws herself down beside Din, putting her arms around him and holding him, despite the fact that he's covered from head to toe in saliva.

Cressida's eyes fill with tears, as she presses her face against Din's slimy helmet.

"I'm sorry, Din. This is my fault. I'm so sorry."

"Hey, I don't blame you. It wasn't your idea to toss me into the Sarlacc pit."

Cressida chuckles, even though she's still crying. She just holds Din in her arms, thankful that he's still alive.

"Looks like we arrived none too soon," Boba says. Din sits up, but Cressida keeps her hands on him.

"Yes," Din replies. "And it's greatly appreciated."

Din moves to stand, Cressida helping him, making certain he doesn't immediately topple back over.

"This is your new partner?" Boba gestures at Cressida.

"You might say that." Din turns his head, looking at the woman with Boba Fett.

Cressida can't help but think the woman looks vaguely familiar, although she doubts that she's met her before.

"And you found a new partner, I see?"

"Fennec Shard."

"I know who you are," Din says. "One of the best assassins out there."

Fennec smirks, looking amused.

"Well. At least you're not stupid."

"If I were, I wouldn't have lived this long," Din remarks dryly.

"What are you doing here?" Cressida asks.

"I should be asking you that." Boba gives Cressida a look.

"We were drugged and brought here. Din was meant to die, obviously. And me?" Cressida shrugs. "Who knows?"

"You work for the Empire?" Fennec narrows her eyes at Cressida.

"No," Din replies before Cressida can answer. "Not anymore she doesn't. She's my partner. And...more."

"You should probably be on your way," Boba says. "Or else those stormtroopers might return, with reinforcements."

"We'd like to," Din says. "Except my ship is about an hour's ride from this spot."

Boba sighs heavily and gestures for Din and Cressida to get on board his ship.

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