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When Din awoke the next morning, he smiles as he sees Cressida lying next to him, her reddish colored hair fanned out across her face, as she sighs in her sleep.

He gently reaches out, slowly and tenderly runs his fingers down her bare arm.

Her skin is so soft, that Din is intoxicated from just touching it. He slides closer to Cressida, gently burying his face in her neck, inhaling deeply.

She  even smells amazing. She is amazing. Every part of her.

That thought catches Din by surprise. After he lost Grogu, he knew that he'd held himself at arm's length around anyone else.

The thought of giving what was left of his broken heart to another, nearly undid him.

It wasn't something Din cared to do.

He was still hurting from the loss of his adopted son.

Until now, that is.

As Din watches Cressida sleeping next to him, he realizes that he can't give her up.

He doesn't want to give her up.

He needs Cressida so damn much.

Cressida stirs and shifts around, rolling over and immediately reaching out for..Din.

He smiles at her, as her fingers gently graze his naked face. He knows he shouldn't have removed the helmet.

He was almost ashamed of doing so.

But he was falling in love with Cressida. And she deserved to look upon his true face.

"Good morning," Din whispers, taking ahold of Cressida's fingers and brushes his lips over them.

Cressida smiles. When she first met Din, she wouldn't have pegged him for the romantic type.

She guesses everyone has something mysterious about them, that others wouldn't notice right off.

Not until they grew to know them better.

"Good morning. How'd you sleep?" Cressida touching Din's tousled hair, flat on one side from lying on the pillow.

He chuckles and Cressida's heart skips a beat. Din is so handsome, that she almost can't stand it.

"I slept amazingly well. You?"

"I slept well, too." Cressida leans in, gently kissing Din, making his cheeks go pink.

"That's...good." Cressida hears the hesitation in Din's voice and her stomach clenched up.

He's already regretting what we did, Cressida thinks, wanting to cry.

"Is something the matter?"

"Not at all." Din slips his arm around Cressida's slender frame, drawing her nearer.

"This why the hesitation in your voice?"

"I just don't want to leave this bed." Din grins suddenly.

"What are you grinning about?"

"I was thinking about how much more fun it would be to stay in this bed with you, then have to track down my bounty."

Cressida laughs as she snuggles up against Din's warm body. That did sound like fun.

"I agree. But I have a feeling that we'll get this chance again soon."

Din raises himself up, hovering over Cressida.

"I'll await that moment eagerly, cyra'ika."


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