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Din is holding the small, silver ball in between his thumb and forefinger, asking Grogu if he wants it.

"Come on," Din coaxes. "You can have it."

Grogu closes his eyes, his tiny hand, stretched out and...suddenly the ball flies out of Din's hand into Grogu's.

"Dank Farrik!" Din exclaims, striking the control with the palm of his hand.

Grogu makes a noise, dropping the ball.

"Hey, no. I'm not mad at you. You did good." Din has to fight against the growing sadness inside him, knowing that someday soon, he'll have to give Grogu up.


Din is free falling over the cliff. He immediately reaches around, hitting a button on his jetpack.

Idiots. If you're going to push someone over a cliff, better make sure they aren't wearing a jetpack.

Din swings his body around, anxious to get back up to Cressida. He's hoping whoever was firing at them, hasn't taken her.

Din swoops upward, catching a glimpse of Cressida, lying motionless on the ground.

As worried as Din is about the fact that Cressida isn't moving, he's at least relieved she's still there.

Din lands and rushes over to Cressida. He kneels down, gently lifting Cressida into his arms and carefully cradling her body close to his.

Din checks for vital signs. Oh, thank the maker! She's still breathing.

However, she's been hit by the blaster in the back, blood slowly seeping through.

There's more blaster fire coming from somewhere. Din isn't about to stick around and find out who it is.

He pushes the button on his jetpack once again and quickly heads for the ship, eager to help Cressida.


"How does that damned Mandalorian keep escaping?" Pallas is furious, his doughty face, bright red with fury.

"We did as you told us," a stormtrooper says.

"Apparently not well enough!" Pallas begins pacing back and forth, his brow furrowed.

What is he going to have to do to get rid of that Mandalorian? Probably kill the bastard himself.

"Do we have any idea where the Mandalorian and Miss Orion might be headed?"

"Mando is after a bounty. An Alzone Geer."

"Hmm." Pallas begins forming a plan in his mind. Perhaps if they reached this Alzone Geer before Mando does, maybe they could lay a trap and kill the sneaky bastard.

Then, Pallas would be rid of the Mandalorian for good.

And he'd get Cressida back and there'd be no one to help her escape from his clutches anymore.

"Where is this Alzone Geer located?" Pallas asks.

"On Tatooine." A slow grin begins to spread across Pallas' face. How convenient!

If he remembered correctly, there's a Sarlacc pit on that planet! He won't have to get his hands dirty, after all.

He'll simply capture that annoying Mandalorian and toss him into the Sarlacc pit.

And let the him suffer in there, for the next thousand years.


Cressida can feel a sharp pain, directly in the middle of her back. She groans, rolling over.

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