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"Where will go now?" Cressida sits behind Din, as he sits in the pilot's seat, navigating the Razor Crest.

"I need work," Din replied, glancing back at Cressida. She gives him a soft smile and Din feels a strange sensation in his gut.

He clears his throat, shifting uneasily in his seat and turning to face forward.

"I understand." Din is happy someone understands because he's not sure he does.

"So we'll be heading back to see your friend, Greef?"

"Yes. However, if you don't wish to see him, you can stay on the ship."

"Have you always been this way?" Cressida asks softly.

"What way?" Din is throughly confused.

"So..protective of those you..care about?"

"What makes you think I..care about..you?"

Cressida laughs, though not unkindly. Din shifts around in his seat again, his mind drifting to Cressida...clinging to him.

"Call it a hunch." Din doesn't say anymore and Cressida decides to not press her luck.

She leans her head back on the seat, closing her eyes and remembering how Din had held her in his arms.

She allows the rocking of the ship to lull her to sleep, imagines of Din's naked fingers dancing in her mind.


When Din reaches Navarro, he notices that Cressida has fallen asleep and decides to see if he can move her to his sleeping quarters.

It takes some maneuvering, especially getting her down the ladder, but Din finally manages to get Cressida into his bed.

He's surprised that she hadn't awakened, as he had sort of draped Cressida over his shoulder in order to get her down the ladder.

Din leans against the wall of his cramped sleeping quarters and watches Cressida as she sleeps.

He eventually turns, leaving the sleeping quarters and heading for the back.

Din punches the button and shifts from one foot to another, ansty and impatient.

He's been holed up on that damn ship too long and it's making him feel edgy. He ponders Cressida's question.

Am I protective of those I care about? Din mulls this over as he exits the ship and closes the back hatch, making sure it's latched properly.

He knows he got far more attached to the kid than he meant to. He tried hard to not feel anything towards the cute, green alien child.

That turned into a complete failure. Din supposes the reason he did allow himself to get so attached was because of how he himself was a foundling and how the Mandalorians took him in, raising him as one of their own.

That was understandable.

However, Din wasn't sure why he felt what he felt for...Cressida. Was it simply being he was lonely?

Or was there something stronger? Like...love?

Din immediately pushes that thought away. He refuses to dwell on it.

He just needs to find something to get his attention off of Cressida.

Like finding some bounties and making some damn credits.


It takes Cressida all of thirty seconds after she awakens to realize that she's lying in...Din's..bed.

Sweet Dreams-The Mandalorian Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang