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Din feels out of place, here on Endor, among these strange, furry creatures. He's not sure why it's so discomforting for him, seeing how he's traveled the galaxy from one end to another and encountered all types.

Din wonders if part of the reason he feels so out of place here is because of his growing feelings towards...Cressida.

Din doesn't want to have these feelings for Cressida. He knows if he completely opens up, it'll be his undoing.

And after what happened between him and Grogu, Din fears if caves in his feelings, he isn't going to be able to put himself back together again.

He regrets his recklessness with Cressida the other day, Bowing to his feelings and giving her the kiss of the Mandalorians.

Din decides that he'll help Cressida find somewhere safe to take refuge. Then...he'll take his leave and go back to his life of bounty hunting.



Cressida isn't stupid. She can sense Din's discomfort and uneasiness whenever they're alone together.

She also senses his restlessness and that he's eager to move on from this place. And he most likely wants to return to his life of bounty hunting.

Cressida will occasionally stop and study Din, as he's tinkering with his weapons or with some part of his ship.

His movements are stiff and jerky. He'll occasionally drop whatever tool he's holding and then, he'll curse softly.

Cressida finds that she desperately wants to take Din into her arms and just hold him until he settles.

She walks over to where Din is kneeling, struggling to connect some different colored wires.

"Dank Farrik!" Din growls, as he let's go of the wires. Cressida can almost picture the hardened scowl on his face, sweat beading on his forehead.

"Would you like some assistance, Din?" Cressida lightly touches his shoulder. He flinches slightly.

"No, I got this." Cressida kneeling down beside Din, touching his chest plate.

Din stares at her, watching as Cressida slowly trails her fingers downward. He immediately grabs her wrist, halting her hand.

"Sweet Din, won't you tell me what's wrong?" The tenderness in Cressida's voice was doing things to Din.

He's floundering, bordering on desire. Shit! He can't give in this way!

He roughly shoves Cressida's arm away, turning his back on her. Cressida sighs, standing.

She turns, walking out of the ship and down the metal ramp, heading for the Ewoks houses.

Din curses louder, throwing the tool he's holding, across the ship, causing it to crash into some ration boxes, which topple and tumble to the ground.

I'm in over my damn head, Din thinks, his mind filled with images of...Cressida.

He angrily kicks at the large metal piece, sending it flying into the wall. Din storms off the ship, heading for the ravine not far away.

He needs to clear his head.

He also needs to ditch Cressida. And the sooner the better. Before he really does something he can't come back from.


The Imperial ships are advancing on Endor. Pallas is watching as the planet looms in the distance.

He smiles to himself. Cressida Orion will not escape this time. He refuses to allow such a thing.

He'll capture her, once and for all, even if he has to blow Endor to kingdom come to do it.

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