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Planet Beerus Your POV 

"Good, good. It seems as though your body is starting to get rid of that unneeded excess movement." Whis calmly as ever says. The green-ish grass of the planet is as still as ever, only moving when I go by. "Remember, control over your breathing. A steady breathing pattern is critical to keeping your body ready for combat." 

"Control your breathing..." I repeat to myself. I steady my heavy breathing, bringing it to a more controlled pace. 

"Good." Whis says. "Now for today, we are going to practice releasing powerful blasts while in your most powerful forms, buy still being able to fight afterwards." But then, the orb on his staff began to glow. "Oh my." 

"What is it?" I ask, as his reaction periled my curiosity. 

"It appears earth is under attack." He says, still ever calm. 


"A group of aliens named 'Sirens' has begun to attack Earth, and are destroying major cities." 

"Whis, I need to-" 

"Get there immediately?" He finishes for me. "I'll teleport you to one of their fleets. I've already gathered a good amount of information on them. They should be quite easy for you to take them down." 

"That's reassuring." I say as a blue light begins to envelop me.

"Good luck, Y/N." "Thanks Whis." The light then fully envelops me, and I'm suddenly above an ocean. "Alright, where is this fleet?" I say, putting my index and middle fingers to my forehead, closing my eyes. 'I'm sensing a multiple Ki sources West, about 59 of them. Let's hope they're not too strong.' I reopen my eyes, and fly toward the Ki sources, ready to engage the invaders. As I fly, I get a message from Whis. It said that Sirens were a group of aliens who consisted of only females, who basically were lining ships. Hull form is when they are like any other ship, only they don't need a crew. Rigger form is when they attach the ship to themselves, but the firepower stays the same. There were 5 different types of warships. 1, destroyers. Fast, maneuverable, but not that much armor, so easily taken down. The usually use their speed to keeps themselves from getting hit, and have torpedo tubers with them. Next, cruisers. Basically just 1 step up from a destroyer. They are just destroyers but slower, have a little more armor, and more guns. Battleships. They were heavily armored, with big guns that could easily pierce some armor and cause major damage. But they were slow, and hard to maneuver. Submarines. They could dive underwater, and mainly launched torpedoes to attack, using the water to cover them. But could easily be destroyed. Lastly, aircraft carriers. They could launch planes to attack other warships, using bombs, or torpedoes. Fighters usually were fast and shot down other planes. The sirens were mass produced, so they traveled in large fleets. I had to find the leader to finish the job. I was going to start with this fleet. When I caught up, it look like they were heading for west city. Not going to happen. I rose my hand up to one of the carriers, leaving the thumb out. A small ki ball began to form on my palm. 

"Big Bang... ATTACK!" I yelled firing the Ki ball, and destroyed the battleship, getting the attention of the others. "What the- Who are you!?" one of them asked. "I'm the one who's going to stop you." I said blandly. "*snort* Stop us?" Another one asked. 'You think YOU, one person, can stop a entire fleet of-" Though she didn't get to finish, as I had used my super speed to get behind her, landing a solid kick in her back, knocking her across the water. The other sips began to open fire, and I flew up to avoid it. After I gained a good amount of Hight, I then lifted my hands up, and a medium sized Ki ball formed above them. I curled my fingers, and began to charge the attack, slowly raising my voice. I then brought my hands down, and hundreds of lasers came out of the ball. 

Azur Lane Super (Azur Lane X Male Saiyan Reader)Where stories live. Discover now