Chapter 7: Truth, Power, and Pride

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Azur Lane Base

3rd POV

"Talk about reckless." Stated Cleveland, who was with Hornet, Belfast, Javelin, Laffey, Enterprise and Wales stood around the room. "What were you thinking?" 

"So you all made an executive effort to save an enemy?" Aske Hornet. "You ain't trying to earn any medals, that's for sure." 

"I apologize." Said Javelin.

"Wait." Said Belfast in protest. "There is nobody here to blame but me. It is my fault for allowing them to do so." 

"That's noble of you to say," Said Wales, turning to a window. "But right now we need to send the right message." 

"How about this?" Suggested Hornet. "Laffey, Javelin, as punishment for your actions, you shall be put on prisoner supervision duty." 

"We have a strict rule that prisoners of war need maximum care." Said Cleveland, catching on to Hornet's plan. 

"So that means..." Javelin trailed off. 

"We're counting on you." Finished Hornet.

"We'll do it." Javelin quickly said, the dashed off with Laffey not far behind to go and get to Ayanami. 

"That was very light for punishment." Said Wales, as Belfast poured tea for them. 

"There's no need to be overly harsh." Said Cleveland.

"Yeah," Agreed Hornet. "Just like tea and life, sweetness always helps." 

"I suppose your right," Said Wales. "But what I'm more worried about is Y/N." She said.

"Ah. Right. How is he?" Asked Hornet.

"Physically, he is in peak condition." Said Belfast. "Not mentally though. He hasn't come out of his house since he healed." 

"This is most worrying." Said Wales. "He is our best fighter, even capable of besting Enterprise, and if he doesn't recover, we may lose our best asset, and this war." 

"What should we do?" Asked Cleveland. 

"I may have an Idea." Suggested Belfast, glancing at Enterprise.  

Y/N House

Belfast led Enterprise to Y/N house. He had not left it ever since he recovered from Enterprise shooting him. She led him to the door of his room, where she then took her leave. 

"I have faith in you, Miss Enterprise." She said before leaving. She entered the room to find Y/N sitting on his bed, glaring down at his sword, most of it in it's sheath. His reflection is shown clear in the gleaming metal of the blade. She closed the door, letting it click solidly. 

"You're here because you want an explanation, aren't you?" He said, not taking his eyes off the blade. Enterprise was silent for a few moments, then Y/N began to explain. 

"Long time ago, in my world, there was a planet called Vegeta. Said planet was the home of a fearsome race of warriors, the Saiyan's. Each one was born with the capabilities of combat and Ki manipulation. They had a history of conquering planets for the evil emperor Frieza, a being of unimaginable power. One day, Frieza heard about the Legend of the Super Saiyan. It was said he had no equal in the universe. Frieza grew scared of this, and decided to destroy Planet Vegeta and exterminate all the Saiyan to prevent this." 

Enterprise was shocked to hear this. She did not think someone would go as far as to exterminate an entire race to prevent someone from overruling them.   

"My father, Bardock, caught wind of his plans beforehand, but the king did not believe him. So my father set one of the space pods to a random planet, and put me inside. I watched as Frieza destroyed the planet in front of my very eyes, knowing full well there was nothing I could do. I landed on Earth about a week after, and multiple families rejected me after finding out I was alien."

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