Chapter 9: The True Threat

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3rd POV

Azur Lane Base

Y/N woke up to what seemed like a non eventful morning, doing his daily morning routine. He had a few bruises and some cuts, which when he passed Vestal, she obviously noticed. 

"How did you get all of these?" She asked, examining him.

"Just a quick little spar with FDG." He calmly replied. 

"Oh ok." She replied, the played that again. "Wait, WHAT?! You went engaged one of Iron Bloods strongest!?" 


"And came back with only a few cuts and bruises!?" 

"Yeah, but I had to go into Super Saiyan 2 to beat her." 

"Oh thank god...Wait, Super Saiyan 2!?" 

"Yeah, the form of a Super Saiyan that's gone beyond that of a Super Saiyan." He explained. 

"Wow...I didn't think you went any further than regular Super Saiyan." 

"Heh, just shows that there is always more under the cover." 

"Anyways, with what you told me about Saiyan biology, you should recover in at least and hour. I'm still surprised you guys can heal that fast."

 "You get used to it. I'm heading out for a walk. See ya Vestal."

"Have a good day Y/N." She waved back. 


Y/N walked down the stone path that lead to the academy, seeing many ship girl having fun with one another. 'Sigh, this reminds me too much of West City.' He thought. 

He shook of the though of painful memories, and turned the corner to see the entrance being blocked by Belfast trying to negotiate with Enterprise. 

"Won't you have breakfast first?" Belfast asked.

"No, I don't need it." She replied. 

"Miss Enterprise I insist." Belfast persisted. "If you want to lead a healthy life, you need to eat."

"Agreed." Y/N said as he approached the 2 of them.

"Y/N?" Belfast said in surprise. "I did not expect you to return until later today."

"Siren fleet itself wasn't much of a threat, but the high class took a little longer. But Enterprise, Belfast is right about this. Breakfast is one of the best meals of the day." 

"You mean important." She corrected. 

"I know what I said." 

"Just stop!" Enterprise finally snapped. "I'm not an idiot. I know I'm not human. There is no need to pretend otherwise." 

'What is going on!?' Y/N though. "Why do you say such things?" He asked her.

"Because they're the truth." She replied.

"Enterprise. Do you breath?"


"Do you sleep?"


"Do you eat?" 


"Then why do you treat yourself as if you are not a living being?" 

"Because I'm a weapon. That's all I ever was and all I ever will be." 

"Oh come on! Just because you were born a weapon doesn't mean you have to live like one!" 

Azur Lane Super (Azur Lane X Male Saiyan Reader)Where stories live. Discover now