Chapter 12: Aftermath and Small Encounter

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Pacific Ocean

The battle with Empress was now finally over, and all the factions had agreed to go back to Azur Lane's base to discus the official alliance of the newly reformed Azur Lane. Those who were too wounded and harmed to walk were getting the help of others. As for Y/N, he was getting help from Zuikaku. 

"Gah.." He groaned as she pulled him up. 

 "Are you OK?" She asked as she slung his left arm over herself.

"Oh yeah, just peachy." He replied. 

"I didn't know you were capable of sarcasm." She said as she summoned her ship and brought them onto the flight deck. 

"I can do much that you don't know off." 

She chuckled at this comment, and the 2 remined silent for a little.

"Hey, one question." Y/n said, breaking the silence. 

"Yeah?" The crane carrier asked. 

"Those slash wounds..." He started, and Zuikaku knew what he was going to ask. "I caused those, didn't I?" 

Zuikaku just looked at him, blinked a few times, then looked away and at the ground. "I...uh..." She stuttered. 

"I knew it." He said with a sigh. 

"How did you know?" She asked.

"They match the patters of how I slash when I use my Ki blade." He answered. 

"So that's how..." 

Zuikaku continued to look away from him, and weather it was from embarrassment or shame, we will never know. 

"You got a medical bay?" He asked.

"Yeah, it's called the infirmary." 

"Could you take me there?" 

"What for?" Zuikaku asked. 

Timeskip brought to you by Zuikaku having a crush on Y/N.

"Ahhhh..." Zuikaku moaned. 

"Please, hold still. That would make this a lot easier." Said Y/N as he cleaned her wounds. They were currently in Zuikaku's med bay, and thanks to Bulma, had some experience in First aid. He was treating Zuikaku's cut wounds right now, starting with the cleaning.

He took a towel and leaned closer to wipe some dried blood off her face near her left eye. Due to his face being so close, her face went red, something that was hard to miss on Y/N part.

"You okay? Your face is all red." He said and put his hand to her forehead, causing her to go even more red "Doesn't fell like your sick... Eh, you're probably fine." He said and withdrew his hand and continued to clean her wounds. But the pain of the wounds was no longer on Zuikaku's mind.

'W-what is this feeling!?' She thought. 'My heart is racing faster. What is going on?! I should probably ask Shoukaku-nee later...'  

Timeskip brought to you by Krillin solar flaring everybody

Once the fleet arrived at the port and carried the wounded away, Wales called a meeting for all the factions. 

Right now, Y/N was in a meeting room with Wales, Cleveland, Hornet, Enterprise, Elizabeth, Hood, Warspite, Belfast, Illustrious, Bismarck, Tirpitz, FDG, Eugen, Yamato, Nagato, Akagi, Kaga, Zuikaku and Shoukaku, Androids 17 and 18, Vegeta, Trunks, Piccolo, and Gohan. Also there were Dreamweaver, Tester Beta and Purifier. 

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