Chapter 3: ATTACK- I mean: Meeting with the Killer Queen

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Waters near Azur Lane Base...

"What the hell..." Y/N mutters as Shoukaku goes to her sister's side. 

"A maid?" Zuikaku asks. "Are you joking?" She was just as confused as the Saiyan worrier was. 

"I assure you not." Prinz Eugen stated. "Zat zere is Belfast, the second ship of the Edinburgh light cruisers of the Royal Navy." 

"Thank you, Prinz Eugen." Belfast replied. "A pleasure to cross paths with you. But I did not expect us to to be meeting here." 

"Neither did I. But since you are here, ve might as well settle some grudges." Eugen said. 

"I make no objection." Belfast replied, looking over to her side. Y/N followed her, gaze, and spotted multiple battleships and cruisers sailing towards them. 

"Look's like you brought some friends." He said. 

"So it would seem." Eugen said. 

"Isn't that Warspite, Hood, Edinburgh, Sheffield, and Queen Elizabeth?" Said Shoukaku. 

"I would like to remind you, that we never fight at anything less than full force."  

'Kind makes me with I could go all out.' Y/N thought. He always liked to have a good fight. His opponent had to be extremely strong if they could keep up with Super Saiyan Blue. 

"It's the main fleet of they Royal Navy." Enterprise said in shock. 

"Let us know your decision." Said Belfast.

 "I suppose that it's best to quit vile where ahead." 

"Vat did I say!?" Yelled Z23. "I expect apologies from all of you who did not take my warning seriously!" She then stormed off as Ayanami followed close behind, with a hesitant glace back at the others. Laffey waved at her, and then she sailed off. Eugen landed on one of the Siren ships and motioned to fall back. 

"We will meet again, Azur Lane. You too~"  She said, in a lust tone, glancing at Y/N. Y/N sweat dropped as the Siren ships began to retreat." 

"Great." He said, turning to the Sakura carriers present. "See you both in the next battle?" 

"Were you even fighting seriously?" Said Zuikaku. 

"No, not even close." 

"Unbelievable." She jumped up onto her sister's flight deck, and turned back toward Y/N. "We will duel again. Mark my words." They then sailed off, and she and her sister wondered why he had let her live. 

Suddenly, Y/N hair on his neck stood up, and he grabbed the hilt of his sword, and turned to Hood aiming her guns at him, along with the rest of the Royal Navy doing the same. 

"I suggest you chose your next moves carefully." Hood hissed. 

"Hold on everyone! He's on our side." Said Cleveland, sailing between the 2 sides with Hornet behind her. 

"So, you're the male that saved the Azur Lane base. A pleasure to meet you." Said Belfast. 

"Same goes to you." Y/N replied. Then suddenly, Enterprise fell and collapsed, but luckily Belfast caught her. 

"Ma'am? What's wrong?" She asked. 

"She pushed herself to hard." Said Y/N, keeping his hand on the hilt. 

"Looks like we have a standoff." Hornet joked. The Royal Navy may outnumber him, but she just witnessed that numbers mean nothing to him. He DID just wipe out a good amount of the Siren Fleet.

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