Chapter 10: Code: Black

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3rd POV

Orochi Fleet

All of the factions watched in awe as shock and what the sirens had done to our saiyan friend. 

"Wha- what happened?" Asked Cleveland. "Why is he wearing that strange colored gi?" 

"The experiment." Said Tester, "Of course. Observer Alpha had been looking into mind control and personality change devices. That's what the test was." She said, gaining the attention of many ship girls. 

"So, what your saying is-" Wales began.

"That Y/N is now fighting on the side of the sirens against his will." Explained Tester. "This is not good. He has the power to take on all of our fleets with barley and blood lost."

"We have no other choice but to take him on." Said Enterprise. "If he stays like this, he will be a threat to all humanity."  

They all nodded, and sailed onwards to face the dark evil saiyan.

With Kaga and Akagi

"Who-no, What are you?!" Yelled Akagi. "And what have you done with Amagi-nee?!" 

"Oh ho ho, you haven't noticed yet Akagi?" Y/N said, smirking and closing his eyes, shaking is head. "Your sister was never going to be returned to you. This was the plan from the start."


"Yes, it's true. The sirens may be extremely advanced, but still don't contain the power to bring back the dead."

"You're- Your lying! They promised they would bring her back!" " 

"Akagi, you really need to stop lying to yourself, it's not healthy for your mental state. And no, all I speak is of the truth. You were simply means to an end. Once Orochi was completed and Azur Lane was destroyed, we will go after Crimson Axis, and everyone in it. Including your friends in Sakura Empire." 

"YOU WON'T TOUCH THEM!" Akagi yelled, and dashed forward.

"Sister, don't!" Yelled Kaga. 

Akagi tried to slash him with her claws, but he sidestepped and elbowed her to the ground. When she tried to get up, Y/N grabbed her by the head. 

"You wanted to know who I am?" He asked. "I am no longer that feeble mortal, soft hearted scumbag that I was. No, I am reborn, shaped of given my power by the Gods!" 

"No, heavens will was with us this entire time!" Yelled Kaga.

"That's the difference between us Kaga." He said, turning to her. "I look at things from a much higher perspective than you do." He said, lifting Akagi up. "I observe this world, this universe, the truth of all things." He yelled, loud enough for everyone to hear. "And I realized, that humans and Shipgirls alike must be destroyed. Out of all the creations which the gods make, humans have always been the sole failure. This spreads to you shipgirls, causing you to go to war with one another, and destroying the economy you desperately try to defend. In order to make this planet, this world, this universe, the perfect utopia that the gods deemed it to be, I must remove humanity, and all it's creations, in the place of the gods who refuse to admit their mistake." 

"So you want to know who I am? I am the being that will cleanse this filth of a planet of the bugs that are humans, and bring about a new beginning! I, Am Y/N Black!" 

They all stood shock and horror. Those who knew Y/N well enough knew he devoted his entire life to protecting humanity, and now, he had turned against it. He truly was not Y/N anymore. 

"Enough of this." Kaga said, summoning her rig. "Let go of my sister!" 

"So you want her?" He said. "Then go get her!" He said, and threw Akagi off the deck of Orochi. 

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