Chapter 4: Come! Let us test your strength!

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It was morning at the Azur Lane base, we see Y/N, sleeping in his bed like a Saiyan. While what he did was not too physically tiering, it was mentally. Sunlight beamed trough. Y/N shifted a bit, eventually opening his eyes, and getting up. "Time to do the usual." He got up, put on his Gi, made some breakfast, and did some training. After a little bit, he took a walk, meeting many shipgirl along the way. During this time, he had run into Hornet, who said Wales wanted to talk with him. He thanked her for letting him know, and proceeded to the academy. But when he reaches the entrance, he hears something. Due to him being Saiyan, and with tons of combat experience, his hearing and other senses are much keener than the average. He looks in the direction of the noise, and saw 3 dive bombers making a run on him. He jumped out of the way, brought his hands up and fired Ki blasts at a rapid rate, destroying them instantly. He then saw some fighters also coming at him. They fired a strafe of bullets, which he deflected all of them with the back of his hands. When they passed, he fired a small Big Bang Attack, destroying the squadron. 

"What the hell was that?" He wondered. 

"A part of your test." 

Turning around, he was meet with the faces of Illustrious, Enterprise, Wales, Warspite, and Belfast. 

"Apologies for the sudden attack." Belfast said. "We merely wished to test your ability to respond to an unknown threat." 

"So the base isn't under attack?" Y/N asked, getting out of his battle ready stance. 

"No, it's merely part of the assessment." Answered Wales. 


"So we have a better understanding of what your capable of, so we know what missions will be best suited for you. I'm sorry for the initial test, but you passed with flying colors." 

"It's fine. When and where?" 

"Training arena, 4 o'clock." 

"Got it." 

(Timeskip brought to you by Y/N Kikohoing Akagi over and over again.) 

"Hey Y/N!" 

Turning to meet the voice, he saw Cleveland, along with some other girls he doesn't know.

"What did Wales need?" 

"I'm gonna be tested on my abelites later, at the training arena." 

"Cool! Anyways, I haven't introduced you to my sisters yet, have I?" 

"I'm Colombia, second of the Cleveland class." 

"Montiplier, the third sister." 

"And I'm Denver." 

"Nice to meet you all." 

"See why I'm so proud of them?" 

'Just like Vegeta and the Saiyan's.' Y/N Thought.

"Still, we can't compare to you though," Said Montpelier. "Yet." 

"Yeah, you're number one Cleveland!" Denver agreed. When Y/N heard these words, he went wide eyed. "You are number one..."  Cleveland notices this and tries to get his attention. 

"Hey, Y/N, you alright?" She asked. 

"Hm? Oh, yeah, I'm fine.." He says as he snaps out of his trance. "Guess I'll see you guys at the assessment." He then takes his leave, leaving the Cleveland sisters confused. "Was it something I said?" Asked Denver. 

Timeskip brought to you by Y/N teaching all this girls how to use Ki.

When Y/N arrived at the test area, just about everyone from the base was sitting on the beach to spectate his test. 

Azur Lane Super (Azur Lane X Male Saiyan Reader)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ