Chapter 2 Discovery

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An exhausted Tawny stumbled into the alley next to Stark tower. She'd made it finally! She sat down tired from her trip and wrapped her now ratty blanket tighter around her. Tomorrow, she'd figure out what do in the morning, she assured herself as her exhaustion claimed her.

The sun was just starting to rise as Nancy Nightingale, owner of the coffee shop next to stark tower, came across a small girl huddled in the alley behind her shop. She approached the still form cautiously afraid of what she'd find. As she reached out towards her Tawny's eyes popped open and she flinched back instinctively.

"Hey sugar don't you worry I wouldn't hurt you." Nancy said in a sweet southern accent. She was a plump older lady with hands that could only be described as fluffy. Her white hair was piled onto her head in a bun and she wore a blue flowered apron. To say Nancy looked grandmotherly would be an understatement. "What's a little thing like you doing sitting out here all alone sweetie? Where're your parents?"

Tawny looked around worriedly refusing to make eye contact. "T-They're uh g-gone.." she trailed off uncertainly. She'd never been a very accomplished liar.

"Gone are they? Well you come with me little one we'll get you some breakfast sound good?" Nancy replied sweetly.

Tawny looked up uncertainly, she could use some food it had been three days since she'd last eaten and she had no idea when her next meal would be. The lady looked nice enough but Tawny had learned young in life how deceiving looks could truly be.

"I promise you can trust me sugar." Nancy said quietly easily reading the hunger and hesitancy trailing through the young girl's eyes.

Tawny slowly stood on tired shaky legs and nodded at Nancy indicating she would follow.

"Now this here is my shop." Nancy started the pride evident in her voice. "You can call me miss Nancy or nanna, that's what my regulars call me. We got a couple hours before time to open why don't you go on upstairs to my apartment and do you a nice shower, warm you up, while I get some stuff prepped and I'll have you a nice hot breakfast ready ok?"

Nancy couldn't help but notice the girl's caution. 'Poor thing must have had a hard time of it' she thought to herself.

Slowly Tawny made her way to the stairs near the back door and to the small apartment above. After locating the bathroom she shed her tattered and too short jeans and tshirt and climbed into the shower. She watched as the filthy water swirled into the drain, unable to recall the last time she'd been able to take a proper shower. The hot water stung her frozen hands and feet at first but eventually became pleasant she relished in the warmth it provided. When the scent of breakfast wafted up to meet her she reluctantly climbed out of the warm shower. Tawny padded quietly back down the steps and followed her nose to the kitchen where Nancy had just finished frying some bacon.

"Ah there you are sugar was the shower nice? My aren't you a beauty. " Nancy paused as if she was awaiting a response. When Tawny simply looked back at her she continued. "Well your plate's on the counter waiting for you."

Tawny wasted no time in climbing onto the barstool and digging into the hearty breakfast. She watched quietly as Nancy bustled around setting out the day's muffins and writing the daily special on the board. Shortly a man in a black business suit and striped tie walked into the shop.

"Good morning nanna." He smiled a confident grin.

"The usual Tony?"

"Yep can't suffer through monotonous board meeting drivel without your fantastic coffee." He replied smoothly.

The man, Tony, let his eyes wander around the small coffee shop until they landed on Tawny. Tony took in the young girl, she wore shoes that were holey and obviously too large. Her jeans were tattered and about three inches too short and the shirt wasn't much better. Her long brown hair was tide up in a very messy ponytail by what looked to be an old shoestring. His heart went out to the small girl Nancy had obviously pulled in off the street. "Who's your friend nanna?" He said as he went and sat next to the small girl. His shoulder brushed hers as he sat and he couldn't help but notice her quickly flinch away.

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