Chapter 3 Hospital

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Tony thought about the little girl he'd met at nanna's on his way up the elevator. She looked about nine or ten he'd never met anyone jumpier. Poor kid had clearly been through a lot. He walked into the office to find pepper, arms crossed foot tapping expectantly.

"You're late Tony." She said irritated.

"Am I? Are ya sure?" He asked offering her her coffee.

"Yes quite sure everyone's been waiting for you let's go." She replied as she grabbed his arm and began pulling him briskly towards the board room.

The rest of the day went hectically with pepper bustling around her heels clacking against the tiles. Tony grinned mischievously as he trapped her against his desk. "Miss Potts im afraid you're going to have to slow down for a minute."

"Tony we really don't have time for this today." Pepper replied exasperatedly. She looked pointedly at Tony's phone, that had begun ringing, laying on the edge of the desk.

"Well in that case you're entirely too busy and we should hire someone to help with that." He said as he kissed her.

"Tony really." Pepper said trying to be stern her smile giving her away. "You should answer that."

Tony groaned and picked up his phone. "Tony Stark?" He answered a questioning tone in his voice.

"T-t-Tony! H-h-h-help!!!" A small voice gasped out between sobs. "N-n-n-nanna fell s-s-s-she won't w-w-w-wake up!"

Tony recognized the terrified stuttering voice from that morning. "Tawny? What's wrong what's happened" he questioned as he sat up alert.

"N-n-nanna f-f-fell! S-s-s-she h-hit her h-h-head!" Tony could hear the young girl's terror and sobbing clearly through the phone.

"Easy calm down" he reassured as he grabbed his coat and headed towards the door. "Pepper call an ambulance nanna fell."

"Oh no!" Pepper responded worriedly as she took out her phone to make the call.

"Now, I'm on my way Tawny I'll be right there I need you to stay calm. Where's Jake?" Tony bashed the elevator button in irritation willing it to move faster.

"H-h-he went h-h-home a-alread-dy." she sobbed in reply.

"Ok I'm coming." Tony reassured. He disconnected as he entered the coffee shop. "Tawny?" He called loudly as he headed for the back.

"H-h-here! T-Tony b-b-back here!" She screamed.

Tony rushed to the back room unsure of what he'd find. He skidded to a halt a few feet away surveying the scene before him. Nancy lay still in a puddle blood mixing with the water near her head. Tawny was kneeling next to her, wet and shaking, tear tracks covered her cheeks. She looked up as he entered fear and guilt shining in her eyes.

"I-I-I-I-I-I-I'm s-s-s-so s-s-sorry I-I-it's all m-my f-fault!" She sobbed.

Tony looked at the small crying girl. As he neared them she cowered away her small form shaking with sobs and fear. He breathed a sigh of relief as he checked and found nanna had a strong steady pulse. "It's not your fault sweetie she clearly slipped." Tony said quietly.

"M-my f-fault I-I-I m-m-made the m-m-mess!!" She wailed.

Pepper rushed through the door out of breath. "Is she ok!?"

"Unconscious took a knock to the head but I think so. You call an ambulance?" Tony replied calmly.

Pepper leaned against the wall catching her breath. "Yes they're on their way." She looked questioningly at the child huddled sobbing in the corner.

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