Chapter 9 My Tawny

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Tawny sat tucking her knees up against her under a large tree in the park. She fought the tears coursing down her cheeks. 'He doesn't like me he wants to send me back to my step dad' she thought repeatedly. She sobbed into her knees unsure of what to do. As her tears subsided she remembered the other people she'd been living with. "Pepper and Tony, they like me they wouldn't send me back." The small girl said aloud just realizing she may have made a mistake.

Tawny stood and turned to head back to the tower when she heard malicious laughter behind her.

"Well, well, well what have we got here?" A man said in an evil tone of voice.

"Bit past your bedtime isn't it kid?" Another joined in as they circled around the frightened child.

Tawny felt so stupid she'd been on the street for three years she knew to watch her surroundings, knew to avoid areas like this at night! What was she thinking!? She looked around desperately for a way to escape and began to shake in fear when she found none. "P-please l-leave m-me alone." She whimpered terrified.

The group laughed at her pleas mockingly. "Come here girl!" The first guy, presumably their leader, growled.

Tawny yelped as he grabbed her arm.

"Hey!" A familiar voice shouted. "Let her go!"

"Bruce!" Tawny screamed desperately their fight all but forgotten.

Bruce took in the small girl dangling from the man's grip on her arm. She was sobbing terrified and it broke his heart. 'Looks like your up big guy' he thought to the hulk. As Bruce began to change the men opened fire.

Hulk roared in irritation at the bullets pelting his skin. he pointed at the girl, "Hulk's Tawny! Give!" He growled reaching out to grab her.

On the inside in the vaguely aware state Bruce was in he gasped as he saw himself reach towards the child. 'gently big guy! Please don't hurt her!'

'Hulk not hurt his Tawny' he replied almost indignantly.

As the man let go of her arm in fear Tawny raced towards the hulk. Hulk scooped her up in his left arm like one would a baby and cradled her protectively against his chest as the men continued to fire at him.

The Hulk roared in frustration as the men swirled around him constantly moving and confusing him.

Tony was in the air a few blocks away when he heard the roaring. "Jarvis was that what I think it was?"

"It sounds like the Hulk sir." Jarvis replied.

"Hey guys did you all just hear the hulk?" Tony questioned his team through the communicators.

A chorus of yeses ensued.

"On it" Tony said as he flew in the direction of the noise. When he landed fear gripped his heart as he noticed the small body in hulks arm and the green giant roaring and lashing out at the swarming mob.

"Hey buddy need some help?" Tony said slowly approaching the frustrated avenger.

Hulk simply growled and slammed his fists into the ground.

At the sight of iron man and the hulk the men lost what little courage they had left and fled in random directions.

Any other time they would have chased them down but tonight Tony just wanted to see about Tawny.

"Here Hulk let me have Tawny." Iron man said reaching towards the small girl.

Hulk immediately turned away still cradling her against him. "Hulk's Tawny."

"No not Hulk's Tawny, Tony's Tawny!" Tony said trying to get around the giant green appendage holding him back.

Hulk grinned at him, "Hulk's Tawny! Tawny came to Hulk!"

"Well Tawny wants to come to Tony now!" Tony yelled frustrated.

"No." Hulk replied simply knowing full well Tony wouldn't try to force him while he held the child.

The others arrived on the scene to see a very amusing sight. Tony in his iron man suit running around trying to get around the Hulk. Hulk holding him away with his free hand.

"Hulk just give her to me!" Tony yelled frustrated.

"No! Mine!" Hulk replied a suspiciously amused tone to his voice.

"Hulk?" Pepper said carefully, "can I see her? I won't try to take her from you I promise I just want to see that she's alright."

"Hulk keep?" He questioned suspiciously.

"As long as she's not hurt." Pepper agreed.

"Pepper!" Tony yelled incredulously.

"Tony you're not gonna be able to get her out of his arms and we have to know if she's ok." Pepper reasoned as she carefully approached the Hulk.

"Tiny Tawny safe with Hulk." he defended as he lowered his arm for pepper to see.

Tawny had her eyes squeezed shut, her hands holding tightly to Hulk's arm.

"Tawny sweetie are you ok?" Pepper asked gently as she brushed a strand of hair out of the girl's face.

"Pepper?" Tawny squeaked out her eyes opening quickly to find the woman she'd come to trust. "I-I'm ok."


Here you go next chapter I will start on the next one right away don't worry I can't leave it alone I wanna know what will happen next too

Mini Stark (Tony Starks daughter)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz