Chapter 15 What!?

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Pepper smiled gently at Tony as they headed down the hall to their room. "You'll make a good Dad Tony."

"Ha that's funny I wouldn't make a good dad Id just screw a kid up." He disagreed walking five steps before he realized Pepper wasn't with him anymore. "Comin Pep?"

"'re going to be a dad." Pepper tried again.

"I'm not her dad Pep I just care about her like one should."

"No Tony that's not what I meant." she said exasperated, "Tony im pregnant."

"What now?" Tony asked sitting quickly on their bed.

Pepper simply nodded waiting for him to come to terms with the news.

"But, but I don't..." Tony stumbled over himself nervously. "Uh are you, are you sure?"

"Hmmm no I was just guessing." pepper began sarcastically. "Yes of course I'm sure!"

"Well I just I"

They climbed into bed, Tony in stunned silence. "So uh how pregnant are you?"

"What? What you want a percentage?" Pepper asked incredulously.

"No that's not what I meant I mean, how uh how big is the baby?"

Pepper chuckled "I don't know yet im only about 8 weeks pregnant."

"Weeks that's what I meant!" Tony exclaimed.

"Go to bed Mr. Stark."

"Goodnight miss Potts."


Tawny wandered into the kitchen the next morning to find Pepper and Tony whispering to each other next to the fridge.

"Good morning Tawny." pepper said with a smile as she handed her the frosted flakes.

"Hey kid, sleep good?" Tony asked.

"Mmmmhhmmmm." she grunted sleepily making the adults in the room chuckle.

"So uh guys Pepper and I have some news and we, uh, well we wanted our closest friends to be the first to know." Tony began looking to Pepper to finish telling them.

"Tony and I are going to be parents!" Pepper finished happily.

The room erupted in congratulations.

"Well done iron one" Thor boomed jovially as he pounded Tony's back.

"Do you know what you're having?" Natasha asked excitedly.

In the chaos of the moment only Bruce and Loki noticed Tawny's shocked expression never changed. She mumbled a congrats and headed back up to her room.

"Congratulations guys." Bruce said hugging Pepper gently before leaving the room in pursuit of the little girl.

Bruce knocked quietly on her door. "Hey kiddo I know you're in there."

"Go away." a muffled voice whimpered through the door.

"Not gonna happen babe, you're stuck with me." Bruce said leaning against the doorframe. "Come on Tawny let me in."

Small footsteps pattered to the door before it was opened revealing a tear streaked face.

"Hey there little one." Bruce whispered gently, "you ok?"

Tawny nodded her lower lip trembling.

"No you're not come here." bruce scooped her up and sat with her in his lap. "So wanna tell me about it?"

"Unt uh" tawny muttered burying her face in his shoulder.

"Tawny it's normal to be a bit jealous when a new baby comes. Id think that would be especially true if you were just getting to know your parent." He tried to reassure her.

"I'm not jealous." she hiccuped through tears.

"Then what's the matter?" He asked puzzled.

"I'm happy for Tony and Pepper and the baby. They'll be a great family."

"You're part of that too kiddo." bruce responded.

"No, they won't want me, not with a brand new baby that belongs to them both." She whimpered, "I'm screwed up Bruce! He hasn't known me my whole life and I'ma mess and and I'm not good enough their baby will be awesome and I'm just me the runaway with the crazy step dad and the dead mom and the dad that doesn't know I'm his!!" By the end of her rant she was sobbing gasping out her words through tears.

"Hey that is not true." bruce said firmly holding her close. "That's not true at all! They both love you already and they don't even know you're his by blood. You're theirs kid wether they realize how much so or not you are because they adore you. That little baby won't change that. You're just getting one more person who's going to love you like we do."

"No you're wrong Bruce I'm not good I never have been. I wasn't good enough for Andrew, he told me how awful I was at everything, I'm not smart, I couldn't help my mom, and they don't love me!" She screamed heartbrokenly, "im not good enough to love."

Before He could react Tawny spun around and ran from the room.

"Tawny wait!" Bruce yelled but he was too late she was gone. "Jarvis don't let her leave this time!"

"Of course not sir" Jarvis replied.

Tawny wandered onto the roof sitting near the door. "You should have told him mom!" She whispered through her tears. "You should have left me with him! I'd have been safe I could have been good enough, and he'd love me! Why'd you stay with that monster Andrew!? We'd have been ok just the two of us!" Tawny stayed up there the rest of the day. Tony and the others figuring she was with Bruce never looked for her. Tawny cried herself to sleep on the roof of stark tower certain she's never be loved, never good enough to deserve love. "I wish I just didn't exist anymore." She sobbed as she dozed off. "It hurts too much!"


Awe poor Tawny 😔 I feel so bad for her. Ok that's my fourth chapter today I seriously need to stop lol as always I love love love comments. I don't know how much longer the book will be I've got the climax all mapped out in my head and I can feel it creeping up on us. Anyway I've discovered I LOVE writing! Almost as much as I love reading (which happens to be a lot!) so if you like my story don't worry there will be more stories probably a lot more centering on the avengers because my love for them is boundless anyway here's this chapter see you guys again soon lots of love laters

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