Chapter 4 Welcome

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Tony awoke the next morning to find Tawny laying against him sound asleep. He smiled at her peaceful, resting form.

He looked up as Pepper walked into the room."oh you're awake." She whispered so as not to wake Tawny. "The dr. Came by a couple hours ago. Nancy is doing fine concussion and broken ankle. They're going to keep her a couple days she wants to talk to you."

Tony looked down at Tawny reluctantly. "Hey sweetheart?" He whispered gently stroking her hair.

Tawny shot up with a gasp her eyes flying around the room wildly before settling on Tony.

"Hey easy short stuff it's ok your safe." Tony reassured.

"Nanna?" She questioned quietly.

"She's going to be fine. Dr says she has a concussion and a broken ankle she'll be just fine." Pepper replied.

"Nanna wanted to chat with me so I'm gonna go see her now you stay here with pepper?"

Tawny nodded at Tony. "Ok"

Tony walked into Nancy's hospital room. "Hey nanna, you really gave a certain little girl a scare."

"I know Pepper told me poor dear. how is she?" Nanna asked worriedly.

"Quiet, jumpy, she thinks it's her fault you fell." Tony replied.

"Poor thing she sure is skittish I've never met a person so easily frightened!"

Tony simply nodded ready to know why Nancy had wanted to speak with him.

"Tony I found that girl half frozen yesterday morning. She was huddled up next to the dumpster in the alley in a ratty old blanket." At this point Nancy had tears in her eyes. "She could hardly stand but was too frightened to let me help her."

Tony looked towards the door as if he could see through the walls to where Tawny waited with Pepper. "What are you getting at Nancy?"

"They want me to stay over but if I do she'll go back out on those streets and lord knows what will happen to her out there...." Nancy trailed off. "Tony will you watch Tawny for me until I recover and can look out for her myself?"

"So you don't actually know this girl you met her yesterday?" Tony questioned what he'd already suspected getting a nod in return. "Nance how do you know nobody is out there looking for her?"

"Tony you've seen her don't you think if that baby had somewhere safe to go she'd be there?"

Tony had to concede that point. "Ok we'll take care of her until your able to again."

"Thank you Tony" she smiled a satisfied grin.

"Yeah yeah just so you know I expect a batch of blueberry muffins when you're healed for doing this." He bargained.

"Deal" Nancy sighed happily

Tony walked down the hall rehearsing what he'd tell Tawny. Her head shot up as he entered the room. "Hey kid so nanna's gonna be fine they wanna keep her a couple days just to watch her."

Tawny nodded then stood and headed for the door.

"Hey where ya goin?" Tony called to her.

"Oh uh um I-I..." Tawny trailed off clearly unsure.

"You're staying with us until nanna gets better ok kid?" Tony told her gently as he reached out to clasp her shoulder gently.

"I-I left m-my s-stuff at n-n-nanna's" Tawny whispered staring at her shoes.

"Well we'll go pick it up." Pepper replied as they left the hospital. Tony wandering what sort of 'stuff' she needed, Pepper thinking about getting her some proper clothes, and Tawny wandering if she'd be safe with these people.


Chapter 4 im loving this story I think it's going well I hope is it going well someone speak to me? Alright onward to the next chapter

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