Mornings with Tony Reese and Tawny

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Tony sat sleepily drinking his coffee and staring into the early, very early, morning rays of sun just cresting the horizon. The baby sleeping peacefully in his arms having refused to sleep the night before finally snoring softly as the sun tinted the sky pink.

"Morning daddy," a sleepy Tawny muttered as she stumbled into the living area in her avengers jammies.

The billionaire turned father of two smiled happy to see her. "Hey short stack, whatcha doin up so early?" He whispered to his oldest child.

Tawny looked pointedly at her baby sister a small forgiving smile gracing her face. "Reese has a big mouth," she giggled snuggling in next to her father and sister on the couch.

"You're right about that," Tony agreed chuckling. "So are you hungry?"

Tawny giggled borrowing her way further into his side, "I'm always hungry but pepper says not to let you cook."

Tony gave her a mock angry look, "peppers not the boss of me im Tony stark, billionaire, playboy, philanthropist I do what I want!" He insisted. Tony's heart melted when the small girl fell back into the couch giggling. It had been a slow road, a few months back she'd have cowered away from him not realizing he was just playing and would never hurt her, now however she didn't fear him. Even when she was in real trouble she was unafraid confident at last in the love of the people around her. The iron man creator choked back tears watching his little girl finally carefree, happy and safe. "Besides I was just gonna heat up a couple eggos even I'm capable of working the toaster."

Tony laughed as his daughter kept from the couch and rushed to the kitchen thrilled at the prospect of breakfast.

Forty five minutes later there was fruit, whipped cream, syrup, and powdered sugar strewn all over the kitchen and the three Starks happily eating in it.

Pepper stepped carefully over and empty eggo box before assuming a stern stance and clearing her throat. "Do I even wanna know what happened in here?"

Tawny giggled unable to respond around her mouth full of waffles. "Quiet you." Tony said glaring playfully, "breakfast pep want some?"

"You realize how incredibly unhealthy that mound of sugar and carbs is right?" Pepper asked pointing in disgust at the waffles piled with sugar, syrup, whipped cream, and berries.

"But soooooo yummy!" Tawny tawny squealed shoving the last bite of her waffles into her mouth.

"See Pep it's yummy!" Tony stated grinning.

"Tony you have to clean this up." Pepper ordered before heading back to their bedroom to change.

Tony eyed the small child beside him, "gonna help me with this squirt?"

"Nope!" Tawny squealed before running from the room giggling.

"You wouldn't abandon daddy to a mess like this would you?" Tony questioned the cooing baby in his arms. She gurgled happily reaching for his facial hair. "Yeah you totally would," he chuckled before beginning the task of cleaning up breakfast.


Hi people's!!!! It's me I just was missing Tawny and thought of this so yay tiny installment in Tawny's life 😉 hope you enjoyed it! Btw this is set three months after baby Reese is born so a bit over a year into Tawny's life with Tony

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