Chapter 17 Missing

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Bruce exited the elevator, busy texting Tony their plans as he walked, "ok I got it you ready to go kiddo?"

He faltered when there was no response, "Tawny?" He called looking around. Bruce headed back to the elevator thinking maybe she'd gotten bored and headed back up to find him.

As he walked out into Tony's living area he looked around. "Jarvis wheres Tawny?"

"Tawny is no longer in the building," the AI replied.

"What!?" Bruce exclaimed irritated, "she promised me she'd stay put!"

"Who promised they'd stay put?" Tony asked laughing, "you lose a girlfriend Brucie?"

Bruce turned slowly eyeing Tony with a guilty look in his eyes, "I've lost Tawny...again."

"Well I'm sure she's around." Tony reassured, "she wouldn't run off again."

"No you don't understand." Bruce growled frustrated.

"Then why don't you explain it to me?"

"I can't I just ugh..." Bruce ran his fingers through his hair agitated. "Jarvis says she's not in the building."

"Probly should of lead with that big guy." Tony scolded jumping into action. "Jarvis how long has she been gone?"

"About ten minutes sir."

"Last footage of her?" At Tony's request a video of Tawny,her eyes filled with tears, being lead out of the building by a large man appeared. "Jarvis check the tracker and run a search, who's that man?"

"One moment sir," Jarvis took mere minutes before projecting a bio of the man. "No signal on her trace sir."

"You put a trace on her?" Bruce questioned shocked.

"I was worried." Tony said simply. "It's the necklace I gave her but it only works if it's touching her skin, I did that in case she lost it we wouldn't end up chasing a rat or something."


"Anyway.... what have we got?", Tony said to no one in particular randomly shifting the holographic images with his hands, "Andrew James, he's got a long wrap sheet, assault, dui, drunkin disorderly, suspected domestic abuse...."

"Sir I've found some pages you might find interesting." Jarvis interrupted projecting a new set of documents.

"That's Tawny!" Bruce exclaimed shocked.

The pages detailed multiple ER visits for burns, broken bones, and concussions all with flimsy excuses as to how they had happened. Pictures of a small battered child appeared over and over causing both men to blink back tears. "Jarvis enough with the pictures give me something I can use!" Tony choked out desperately.

A picture of Tawny's mother appeared on the screen causing Tony to pause. "I know her..." he said as he enlarged the photo.

Bruce shifted uncomfortably, "Tony..."

Tony rounded on him, "she's mine isn't she!? Tawny is my kid!? And no one thought to tell me!?"

"Tony I'm sorry," Bruce replied eyes downcast, "I've been telling her to tell you since the day I found out, she was scared."

"Of me?!"

"I dunno maybe at first?" Bruce sighed, "I think later it was more a fear of being rejected."

"But we told her we wanted her to stay?" Tony said confusion evident in his voice.

"Yes and then you announced you were having a baby..."

"She thought we wouldn't want her?" Tony looked down sadly, "but we do. and now.... we have to get her back!"

"We will." Bruce reassured before focusing on the projections. "Ok Jarvis show me locations?"

"Most of these incidents seem to have happened around Chicago Illinois, except the child's birth which occurred in Scranton New York." Jarvis supplied.

"So now the question is would he return to what he knows or would he take her somewhere new?" Bruce asked thoughtfully.

"Sir, you seem to have an incoming message." Jarvis interrupted.

"Busy now Jarvis." Tony snapped.

"Tony, it might be him..."

"On screen Jarvis." Tony said instantly head snapping up to see.

Tawny appeared on the screen she was covered in scrapes and bruises. Tears had left trails on her dirt covered face. "Tony?" She sobbed, "I'm sorry.."

"Shut up" a gruff voice shouted making the small girl flinch. His fist connected heavily with her jaw caused her to fall to the floor. "Now what were you supposed to say?"

"I've been kidnapped." she choked out fighting sobs. "He says he'll kill me, if you don't give him three million dollars." she whispered the last part her head hanging low as if she felt personally responsible for the demand.

Tony had tears in his eyes looking at his little girl. "Hey babe," he whispered "I'm gonna get you home ok?"

"Yeah, yeah ,yeah," the man said in a disgusted tone, "do we have a deal or not?"

"Deal," Tony said immediately, "just don't touch her again or I swear i will find you and I will tear you apart!" Tony growled menacingly.

The moment the video cut off the two men began searching for any clues that could help them find the young girl.

"Jarvis call furry tell him what's happened and ask if he's got anything. Then assemble the avengers the more hands on deck the better." Tony directed as he searched pictures of the video chat for a clue.

"Should I notify miss Potts as well sir?"

"Where is she?" Tony questioned.

"In the office." Jarvis replied.

"Ask her to come up here I'll tell her when she gets here." That was something he should probably tell her in person.


In case anyone wanted to know before this authors not there were 888 words in this chapter (I thought that was kinda cool) also in case anyone was confused they'd been researching for a while that's why Andrew could already be calling it had been a couple hours.

Ok that's it's for that chapter see y'all soon 😉 (yeah I've never said y'all before I don't think it's for me lol)

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