Chapter 7 - Acceptance

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It's a bright morning in Sunnydale. The sun beats down from the cloudless, aqua sky and a pleasant breeze sweeps across the streets. The Scoobies (except Amber) gather around the table at The Magic Box. Xander taps his pen on a giant hardback full of spells and archaic incantations, while Willow's patience is driven off a cliff and she hisses for him to stop.

Giles stands and pushes up his glasses. "I think it's time to talk. Talk about..." He trails off, looking at Buffy. She carries on for him immediately:


Everyone sits still.

"What's there to talk about?" Anya questions genuinely. "She's a vampire now and will have to get used to Spike. She can live with him and we'll just have to say hi to her when we're patrolling!" She looks expectantly at Xander, waiting for him to agree.

"Yeah," he pauses, "but I guess it's not that simple, An."

"Why not?"

Willow jumps in, "Because she's been our friend for ages and we can't lose her like this. She's not dead for goodness sake! We have to do something."

Giles clears his throat. "I know this isn't what you want to hear but I don't see what we can do. Spells won't fix this. Nothing can, now the Ring of Amara has been destroyed."

The group exchange solemn looks.

He continues, "We need to make sure she knows she is welcome, and that our feelings towards her haven't changed. This must be a very difficult time for her. Buffy, I say you organise a meet up between you, Joyce, Dawn and her. Everyone else should try to visit her when possible, and make sure we invite her to any late night Magic Box 'meetings' we have."

"That sounds like a plan." Buffy accepts, although guilt blooms inside of her. What other option does she have?


Amber's memory of the night before is hazy, but from the smug look on Spike's face, she thinks she must have done something idiotic.

"Quit looking at me like that!"

"Like what?"

Why do men have to be so difficult? Her wound has almost completely healed since last night - her vampire perks are at least paying off. Spike pulls out two packets of pigs' blood from the buzzing refrigerator and snips the corner off each one, handing the bigger one to Amber. Amber had recently found out that Spike has stuff like running water and electricity due to a deal he struck with Giles. He wouldn't give her the details, but Giles must have owed him big time to get all this installed.

"Can I see your... you know."

"Yeah." Amber lifts up her shirt just enough to reveal the scar that had developed overnight.

"Looks good." he remarks. "Still, drink up. Its got a bit more healing to do yet."

She gratefully starts on the blood, thinking about Willow and Buffy and how much she misses having brunch with them. Blood is good and all, but nothing can beat blueberry pancakes at their local diner.

Spike sits down next to her. There seems to be an unspoken tension stinging between them. A buzz of some sort. The quietness lasts for a while, until Amber blurts out, "Did I do something wrong yesterday? You're acting weird."

"I'm acting weird?" his voice is teasing, "Ok little-miss-couldn't-stop-staring-at-my-abs-all-night!"

"That is so not true!" she gets up and turns to walks away, towards the kitcheny area. "I was not!" she says, more to herself than Spike.



Amber avoided Spike for as long as possible. She patrolled all night and just before it got light, she headed up to the Summer's house. She had no idea what to expect, showing up so early. Thankfully, she was met with a smiley Buffy who invited her in immediately and they made tea and talked for two hours, until the others got up. Sleepy Dawn gave her a big hug and told her all about school and the latest boy drama. Joyce gave her some homemade flapjacks and they talked for a while about what the future would be like for her. It was hard for everyone, and many tears were shed. Amber is so thankful for all of them. She loves Buffy and Dawn like sisters, and Joyce has always been like a second mother to her, even letting her stay at their house when hers was no longer safe. Freezing them out of her life was never an option, but it was acknowledged that they wouldn't see each other as often as normal.

Amber stayed there all day until night fell over Sunnydale once again. She retrieved some extra things from her old room, dumping everything into one of Dawn's unused rucksacks. Buffy walked her back to the crypt.

They stride in together, mid-way through a conversation about Xander's - apparently - hilarious new haircut. Spike's nowhere to be seen, so the girls settle and chat for a little while longer. Buffy starts yawning and Amber insists she goes home. Buffy leaves reluctantly, not without giving her a goodbye embrace.

Amber gets up and pours herself a glass of water. She splashes some of the running tap water on her face, relishing in the coolness. She sighs loudly and abruptly feels a presence behind her.

She yelps out in surprise.

"Shit, Spike you scared me!"

He blows air slowly out of his mouth, making a 'huff' sound. He runs his tongue along his top teeth and stares at her. His eyes trail across her face, down to her lips and back up again.

Amber shifts away, edging across the sink, while Spike mirrors her movements.

"Quit it." she says awkwardly, suddenly remember the last conversation they had. Heat flushes to her cheeks all over again as a fresh wave of embarrassment engulfs her. Spike smiles darkly and with a knowing look, reaches above her head to get a glass of his own.

"Just getting a drink, love." he says plainly, fills up the glass, and turns on the tv.

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