Chapter Thirty Seven

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Chapter Thirty Seven

Jackson Blake's POV

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Jackson Blake's POV

Concern. It's the only feeling I can feel. Why? Because my mate is going through a psychotic breakdown. After the doctor had told us I wasn't pregnant, Slater went into an emotional flurry of anger. 'Why aren't you doing a pregnancy test', 'Why aren't you doing a blood test' and honestly I couldn't fault his logic, but apparently wolves only carry pups for 2 months, well 62 - 75 days to be exact, and so, even after a day or so, it's enough time to see pregnancy on a scan. A scan done a day or two after conception is the equivalent of a 6 week scan. So, if she couldn't see anything, then there isn't anything to see.

He asked her to take the test anyway, and so she drew my blood and sent it off to be tested. It came back normal. There was nothing to argue with, she couldn't see a baby, my blood showed no HCG, I'm not pregnant.

I felt embarrassed honestly. The doctor said I likely have a stomach ulcer so she prescribed me some antibiotics and if it worsens over the next month then they'll perform surgery. Even then, that was a bizarre diagnosis because white wolves have an elevated immune system. Stomach ulcers are caused by bacteria that damages the stomach lining, so to have an elevated immune system and yet be diagnosed with a bacterial related issue didn't make sense to me. Then again, I'm not a doctor so I won't pretend to be one.

The few days that followed, Slater refused to leave his office. He's angry all the time, has this sad look in his eyes and barely eats or sleeps. Then one day, I walk into his office and he just perked up. He started going on about how he can smell it on me. I had no idea what he was talking about and then he started saying how pregnant wolves have a certain smell to them, it's a maternal smell.

At that point I knew he'd lost it. I knew he'd gone crazy before my very eyes. I couldn't bring myself to even argue with him, he's so happy and yet I'm not pregnant. They ran all the tests, there isn't a baby. He's going through a state of delusion, convincing himself that it's possible to get me pregnant and telling himself that I am. It's terrifying. I don't know what to do, I'm practically going along with his lie because I can't bring myself to argue with him. It breaks my heart. It kills me to know that he wants a baby that badly that he'd convince himself that it's possible.

He's had an entire room decorated down the hall. He's made arrangements in LA to update the house. He's constantly touching my stomach and being overprotective and possessive and's a fucking stomach ulcer. It would be funny if it wasn't so sad. He's delirious.

Yet, he's almost convincing me. It's been a month and my stomachs still growing. I'm having constant stomach pains, I'm still throwing up in the mornings. I have unusual cravings and my mood swings are everywhere. It's every typical symptom of pregnancy and yet I can't even begin to believe it. How could I? I'm a man and I went to the doctor and she told me I'm not. Am I just meant to convince myself she's wrong?

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